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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:13:43 +0000

DOM Keeps Changing Contracts Per Target Allocation

View Count: 425

[2023-06-06 16:28:28]
User261655 - Posts: 25
For two or three weeks now, my DOM keeps changing the contracts-per-target of orders that have exactly five contracts.

I have the target configuration set as:

5 points - 3 contracts
7.5 points - 1 contract
15 points - 1 contract

But at least once per day, I place a market order and contracts/target changes to.

5 points - 1 contract
7.5 points - 2 contracts
15 points - 2 contracts

The order is placed this way, and if I look at the DOM target configuration, it also shows 1-2-2.

So several times per day, I go into DOM and changes the allocation back to the way that I want it (3-1-1), but for whatever reason, it keeps shifting back to 1-2-2.

This only happens with 5-contract orders. Everything other configuration works perfectly.

I tried creating a new 5-contract order configuration with a different name. That seemed to work until today, when it changed to 1-2-2 again.

My installation arrangement is as follows:

Main instance: ES chart
Sub-instance (#2): NQ chart
Sub-instance (#3): DOM

"Chart trade mode" and "show orders and positions" are on for the ES and NQ charts.

[2023-06-06 17:10:46]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
If you happen to change the quantity and then change it back, the numbers will reset to an even distribution (or as close as possible).

In order to get back to the distribution the way you want, be sure to select the Trade Configuration for which you have this saved. If you have not saved it - you should do so, that way you can easily reselect it to ensure that the quantity distribution is the way you want it. Refer to the following:
Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Using and Changing Between Different Trade Window and Attached Orders Configurations
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-06-06 17:20:05]
User261655 - Posts: 25
Sorry, I should have added that I have been saving the configuration using the the M button followed by "Save Configuration" on the DOM.

Then I save the entire chart/DOM using the "Save All" button in the menu. But thusfar, it keeps reverting to 1-2-2.

If it happens again this week, I'll follow up and try to figure out what other variables could be at play.
[2023-06-07 17:27:55]
User261655 - Posts: 25
This is happening again today.

Specifically, I chose the 5-lot template/configuration from the dropdown menu, and clicked "Buy Market."

Rather than 3-1-1, the market order entered as 1-2-2. While the order was open, I looked at the configuration targets, and it said 1-2-2.

When I exited the order, I looked my other configurations, and they were all correct. When I checked the 5-lot configuration again, it said 3-1-1.

Most days, I flip between a 5-lot and 6-lot configuration. This never happens with the 6-lots. Only the 5 lots.

Thanks again for looking into this.
[2023-06-07 20:05:41]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
We have tried to reproduce this, but we are not able to. Every time we select a configuration that has a non-uniform distribution of Target quantities, the numbers stick unless the quantity is changed. But again, as soon as we select the configuration it stays that way.

If you can give us specific steps you are taking then we can hopefully track it down. Let us know exactly what you select after you select the trade configuration and we'll see if we can reproduce it. Also let us know how you are selecting the Trade Configuration (maybe that is having an impact - we just selected it from the menu on the Trade Window).
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-06-07 20:07:31]
User261655 - Posts: 25
Thanks John, I'll note each step I take placing a trade tomorrow and Friday and update this.
[2024-02-12 15:08:42]
connordw - Posts: 41
I have this problem as well and it is really frustrating. I have my configuration saved. Let's say my standard size is 20 contracts. First profit target 10 contracts, second target 5 contracts, third target 5 contracts. Let's say then I want to add 10 contracts to the position, and I do that. When I go back to the 20 contracts for a new trade, the quantities are all screwed up. I don't want them to be distributed evenly. I want them to stay the way I saved it. I always forget about this issue, and when I go to put a new trade on with 20 contracts my quantities are all screwed up. How do we turn off the even distribution after changing the quantity?
[2024-02-12 20:24:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
Do not change the quantity directly. Instead select a "Trade Configuration" that is setup the way you want with the quantity you want. Then everything will be the way you want it. Refer to the following:
Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Using and Changing Between Different Trade Window and Attached Orders Configurations
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-02-13 01:50:32]
connordw - Posts: 41
Ahh ok yes I see. Thank you for your help.

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