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Date/Time: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 01:29:10 +0000

formule divergence

View Count: 447

[2023-01-06 13:02:05]
User220939 - Posts: 36

j'utilise le footprint en tick reversal, et je voudrais faire apparaitre une divergence baissière quand la barre fait un plus haut que la précédente mais que le volume est plus faible, et inversement.

j'ai mis une formule dans la partie "alert" de "color bar based on alert condition", mais je ne dois pas faire comme il faut, elle ne marche pas toujours

Voila la formule que j'ai mis: =if(and(H>H[-1],ID1.SG1<>0,ID1.SG1=(H-ticksize)),1,0)

[2023-01-06 17:13:01]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
From Google Translate:
I use the footprint in tick reversal, and I would like to show a bearish divergence when the bar is higher than the previous one but the volume is lower, and vice versa.

I put a formula in the "alert" part of "color bar based on alert condition", but I don't have to do it right, it doesn't always work

Here is the formula I put: =if(and(H>H[-1],ID1.SG1<>0,ID1.SG1=(H-ticksize)),1,0)

What study is ID1?

Also, since this is going into an Alert, you do not need the IF statement. The Alerts are always evaluated as True/False statements where 0 is false and any other value is true. So you could simplify it a bit by removing the IF portion and just having the following:
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