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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 23:25:46 +0000

[User Discussion] - Unable to reference LTP in Spreadsheet alert

View Count: 478

[2022-10-29 16:06:57]
User140688 - Posts: 13
Query: I understand that "C" refers to the last trading price of the candle and once that candle closes it becomes C[-1] and LTP is the new candle referring again to C, Now this is how things work in "Trading Systems using Alerts Study", However since I am using Spreadsheet alert, I refer the cells of the column "Last" and treat that as LTP using Similar logic ( e.g In the Buy Entry column, I'd want a condition wherein the LTP becomes equal to a specific price, and in attempts to do so, I would formulate something like IF(E3=X) X being my specific price )

I put a similar condition as above and the spreadsheet showed All False(0), I thought this might be happening because the spreadsheet has saved the Last data of each candle, and while replaying the data, as the spreadsheet would form My Hypothesis would pan out and The condition would be met at some point and thus generate the signal, However, while replaying this has not been the case and the number of times signal generated during backtest was still 0

Requested Solution: Refer Last Trading Price of the spreadsheet and be able to formulate alerts such as ones mentioned above to test the alerts in replay

Kindly Help Me, I tried revisiting documentation and Forum, Couldn't find much help

Thank you so much
imagesierra.png / V - Attached On 2022-10-29 16:03:54 UTC - Size: 68.69 KB - 90 views
[2022-10-29 16:58:09]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4186
To find a price that is equal to a Close price, use a formula like this in row 3 of any Formula Column:
If there is one that is equal, it will return a 1.

You don't need to use IF when the result is True/False.
You do need to use IF when the result is a value.

Each row of the spreadsheet is a chart bar. The current bar is in row 3, and previous bars are in rows below. (Except in columns H, I, J.)
So to convert from Alert syntax to spreadsheet syntax:
C is E3
C[-1] is E4

Row 1 is blank (except for A1 and D1)
Row 2 is column labels

Column A is the bar DateTime
Columns B-E are the OHLC values
Column F is volume
Column G is # of trades
Column H is blank
Columns I and J are labels and spreadsheet inputs/outputs
Columns K-Z...BR are Formula Columns (Depending on the Number of Formula Columns setting, 16-60.)
- Each Formula Column is a subgraph of the spreadsheet study.
- In the Spreadsheet System for Trading study, columns K-N are only for entry/exit signals.
- All formulas in Formula Columns are entered in row 3 only.
Columns to the right of Z...BR are study subgraph outputs. (Depending on the Number of Formula Columns setting, 16-60.)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-30 12:12:41
[2022-10-30 13:53:19]
User140688 - Posts: 13
Thank you for your response, However I wanted the following

To make a condition where I can reference to the last trading price, as in If markets drops down to the support i.e the last trading price becomes equal to Support I want a buy entry.

I tried using 3rd row last price column, but its not working while replaying, but it should be

Awaitng for your response
Thank you

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