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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 23:20:21 +0000

formula help

View Count: 513

[2022-10-28 07:41:27]
User486817 - Posts: 83

i am using two spreadsheet formulas to calculate the number of bars since a slope change. i'm trying to use the same formulas for an SG whose alert is =ID4.SG2<>0 but i cannot get it to work. my formulas look like this:


ID11 SPREADSHEET FORMULA STUDY (to determine how many bars it has been since the last time ID10 (ID4.SG2) was not equal to zero)

i've tried this and i cannot get it to print the number of bars it has been since ID10 was true. is there a way to do this?

kindest regards,
[2022-10-28 12:46:44]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4186
I tried this and it works for me, using this setup:

Color Bar Based On Alert Condition study (ID1) with this formula on the Alerts tab:

Spreadsheet Formula study (ID2) with this formula in the Formula field:
Chart Region set to 1
Draw Style set to Value on Low
imagebar count.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-10-28 12:46:21 UTC - Size: 4.7 KB - 116 views
[2022-11-01 09:45:46]
User486817 - Posts: 83
hello tomglib,

thank you for your help. i got it all to work.

kindest regards,

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