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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 16:58:24 +0000

Reversal Bar

View Count: 1882

[2022-10-25 13:25:41]
davidfc85 - Posts: 9

According to the documentation a new bar can only appear when the retracement critera is met: "A new bar is only started when prices reverse from the High or the Low, depending upon which side is being monitored for, by the specified number of price ticks."

However I've seen bars where a new bar appears and the retracement criteria has not been met. May be something wrong with this type of bars?

Thank you.

imageReversal bar.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-10-25 13:24:02 UTC - Size: 50.89 KB - 235 views
[2022-10-25 16:09:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38800
The situation you display is possible. The Reversal Bar will does not work in a way that you would need to see a 3 tick difference between the two bars. A new bar is started when the current bar has reversed 3 ticks from its high or low. Refer to the information here:
Chart Settings: Intraday Chart Bar Period >> Bar Period Type >> Reversal Bar (in ticks) (ReversalAmount - MinimumLength)
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[2022-10-25 16:42:39]
davidfc85 - Posts: 9
Hi John,

Thank you for you answer.

In that case there was no 3 ticks reverse from its high. Please find attached a comparison tick by tick where can be seen that there is no 3 tick retracement from its high and a new bar starts.
Thank you!
imageReversal bar tick by tick.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-10-25 16:42:31 UTC - Size: 146.69 KB - 265 views
[2022-10-25 16:58:24]
davidfc85 - Posts: 9

I think that the reversal is being evaluated before the bar has reached the minimum length, so when the bar gets the minimum length it starts the next one.

Isn't supposed to evaluate the reversal only when the minimum length is reached?

Thank you so much.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-25 16:58:40
[2022-10-25 17:27:26]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38800
This is the relevant documentation for what is occurring at those bars:
When using a Minimum Length setting, as soon as the Minimum Length is reached, and if the price at that point is the specified number of ticks from the high if the prior bar reversed at the low, or from the low if the prior bar reversed at the high, then a new bar will be initiated which means that the opening can be the same as the closing price of the prior bar. This can mean that in the case of candlestick bars, that in some cases you do not notice any wicks for that subsequent chart bar.

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-10-25 18:21:16]
davidfc85 - Posts: 9
Hi John,

Thank you so much for your support. I see the point in the documentation.

However, would it be possible to implement in Sierrachart a type of bar where the reversal will be evaluated only after the minimum length has been reached? In that case there wouldn't be bars where the opening is the same as the closing of the prior bar, and we can see the reversal after a big push (selected by minimum length).

Thank you again!

[2022-10-25 21:05:48]
George Ionescu - Posts: 12
Hi John,

I'm new on Sierra and I've been studied for a while the documentation. I meet some difficulties in understanding the difference between the Point of Figure Bars and Reversal Bars. As I understand, the difference would be at the " Box Size "

Additionally, I was not able to understand how the reversal and PNF behave to the different timeframes.

Could you please give me a hand?
[2022-10-25 21:16:17]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38800
The only thing we can do is point you to the documentation for these. Start here for the general information on the various bar periods we have available:
Chart Settings: Bar Period

There is additional information referenced for the Point and Figure bars within that documentation section.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-10-26 01:43:06]
davidfc85 - Posts: 9
Hi John,

Would be possible to implement in SierraChart a type of bar that meets the following criteria?

A new bar emerges when two conditions coincide:

- The price passes a certain number of ticks from the opening - Minimum bar height
- The price reverses and passes a certain number of ticks in the opposite direction - reversal amount

The main goal is to not split a movement (push) into two bars, so that the continuos movement will be displayed. Please find attached and example where can be seen that at the top the footprint shows 1 and with the previous criteria both bars would merge (with an easiest reading).

Thank you very much!

imagereversal bar 2.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-10-26 01:40:06 UTC - Size: 25.44 KB - 188 views
[2022-10-26 07:49:18]
davidfc85 - Posts: 9
If might help this is the expected behaviour:

[2022-10-26 08:58:41]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18843
Here is the documentation for Sierra Chart Reversal bars:
Chart Settings: Intraday Chart Bar Period >> Bar Period Type >> Reversal Bar (in ticks) (ReversalAmount - MinimumLength)

Also set this setting to No:
Chart Settings: New Bar at Session Start (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Session Times >> Intraday Chart Session Times menu)

If you still cannot get what you require, then you have to create your own custom chart bars using ACSIL:
ACSIL Interface - Custom Chart Bars
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-10-26 08:58:49

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