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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 07:42:43 +0000

Please help me with LIVE connection to my broker IRONBEAM using Teton CME Order Routing

View Count: 471

[2022-10-13 02:17:01]
mbarbhaya - Posts: 37
Software version: 2447 64-bit | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Primary Thread ID: 9928 | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Usage end date: 2023-02-19 | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Enabled for exchange2: CME | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Enabled for exchange2: fairx_exchange.data | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Order Routing | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 1 | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Time Zone: -05:00:00 (CST-06CDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00) | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
2022-10-13 02:14:13 Local computer time in UTC | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
2022-10-12 21:14:13 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
2022-10-13 02:12:07 Server time in UTC | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds. | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.596
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.597
Locale Setting: C | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.597
DLLs: UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.598
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.598
Crash reporter started: true | 2022-10-12 21:14:13.598

Teton CME Order Routing | Firm: IronBeam | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.171
Teton CME Order Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading18.sierracharts.com. Port 11084 | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.171
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.253
DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.253
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.253
Teton CME Order Routing | Network connection to server complete. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.269
Teton CME Order Routing | Starting socket receive thread. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.269
Teton CME Order Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.269
Teton CME Order Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.319
Teton CME Order Routing | Sending logon request message. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.319
Teton CME Order Routing | Received logon response. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.337
Teton CME Order Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.337
Teton CME Order Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.337
Teton CME Order Routing | Connection error: No trade accounts assigned. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.337 *
Teton CME Order Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.388
DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.388
DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.389
Teton CME Order Routing | Disconnected. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.389
DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.401
DTC Client socket (1) | Closed. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.401
[2022-10-13 13:36:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
We see the following in your log:
Teton CME Order Routing | Connection error: No trade accounts assigned. | 2022-10-12 21:14:28.337 *

According to this IronBeam has not finished setting up your account. You need to ask IronBeam about this.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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