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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:37:34 +0000

StudyCollection error after Renaming Custom Study

View Count: 848

[2022-09-16 12:55:07]
Jupitersbay - Posts: 54
In my audio-software REAPER there is a cool feature, if REAPERcannot find an audio-file that belongs to an old project, that has been finished a while ago.
It says: "Cannot find file" and then there is a "Show"-option. So I can show the new location and/or name (for the SAME file) to the software and it will accept it and use it instead of the old one.

In SC there is a problem when trying to use a study collection where the custom study has changed the name or the location (e.g. because it is part of a Custom Study Collection). Sierra will not find the Custom Study and I have to enter all the chosen setup details anew. Sometimes I cannot even remember all of them.

Would it be very difficult to add something like this "Show"-option?
[2022-09-16 15:05:43]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18824
We will see about this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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