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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 09:41:52 +0000
Alert Manager Log Data
View Count: 822
[2022-09-14 13:13:12] |
User840964 - Posts: 49 |
Hello, The following are inconveniences I've found using the Alert Manager. Symbol Alert: Edit, Copy Selection: the selection skips the “Trigger Time”, “Trigger Value” and “Show Popup” columns, so the user has to insert them manually in the destination file. More, removing the “Field” column causes the other columns to show messy. Also, a “Select All” or “Save (the whole) Table as Log” command would be appreciated. As well as different cell background colors for different comparison types: the table would be more readable. Logs: File, Save Log To File: the output is an impractical mix of tab, spaces and pipe separators that make it complicated to import the file in a spreadsheet. Also, the user may need to select which columns have to be included or excluded. Any way to fix the above? |
[2022-09-14 16:37:20] |
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18817 |
The data is tab delimited: Logs: File, Save Log To File: the output is an impractical mix of tab, spaces and pipe separators that make it complicated to import the file in a spreadsheet. Also, the user may need to select which columns have to be included or excluded. We cannot provide further help regarding your other questions. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-09-14 16:37:30
[2022-09-14 21:29:29] |
User840964 - Posts: 49 |
This is part of the attached output file: Type Source Alert Text DateTime Symbol VALE-NQTV Symbol Alert: VALE-NQTV Last (13.02) Below 13.05 triggered at 11:31:55 on 2022-09-14 | Alert: AlertSound (1) 2022-09-14 13:33:40 Symbol MO-NQTV Symbol Alert: MO-NQTV Last (42.07) Below 43.58 triggered at 11:36:05 on 2022-09-14 | Alert: AlertSound (1) | Comment: DIV 14-09 O.I. 13k 45 16-09 2022-09-14 13:37:50 You can clearly see 3 tabs, 17 or 20 spaces and 1 or 2 pipes per each row, other than the spaces present in the user's comment(s). It's difficult to me define that "tab delimited". And is very time-wasting to import it in a spreadsheet. I think you should ease the user's work, basically. Anyway, "we can't help you" is not exactly what a customer would expect. |
Private File |
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