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Date/Time: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 11:39:02 +0000

Chart Trading Order Rejected by IB with Nasdaq TotalView Data Feed

View Count: 372

[2022-08-31 17:24:22]
User490625 - Posts: 3
My Package is 10 with real time Nasdaq TotalView Data Feed. I linked my Sierra Chart with my IB account to trade stocks.

I turned on " Open Trade Window For Chart" and placed the order on the chart, but the order was rejected by IB.

However, If I changed symbol from "XXXX-NQTV" to "XXXX" on the chart, my orders were accepted by IB.

I don't know what's wrong.

Thank you very Much.

Roger Sun
[2022-08-31 21:31:59]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
You need to use the Trade and Current Quote Symbol and set the symbol that IB needs in that field. The main Symbol field needs to be the -NQTV symbol. Refer to the following for information on this setting:
Chart Settings: Trade and Current Quote Symbol (text box) (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Symbol >> Symbol menu)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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