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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:23:05 +0000

Soybean Crush Spread

View Count: 557

[2022-08-23 13:45:07]
User841161 - Posts: 260
I am having difficulties finding the symbol for the exchange traded Soybean Crush Spread. Looked under Soybeans and get spreads, and Soybean Meal and get spreads, but dont seem to see it. How would I get symbol to chart. Should be Soybean-Soybean Meal-Soybean Oil..
[2022-08-23 16:37:38]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18799
Is this what you are referring to:

If so, we need to set up a symbol for this.

It is:
CME Globex: SOM
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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