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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 20:33:25 +0000

Footprint with imbalances

View Count: 3765

[2022-08-16 13:53:40]
User707307 - Posts: 84
I am trying to create a footprint chart with the setup of the first picture, where it highlights the imbalances like in the second picture attached.

I tried absolutely everything I have been trying for around 8 hours now. I am sure there is a way. I just can't find it.

I tried a bunch of indicators but any seems to work like I want, how can I do that?

Thank you
imageOF.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-16 13:49:48 UTC - Size: 193.6 KB - 1126 views
imageOF IMBALANCES.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-16 13:49:54 UTC - Size: 99.9 KB - 1209 views
[2022-08-16 14:03:59]
User707307 - Posts: 84
The main issue is - when I try to have a volume profile on the column 1, I can't play with the colours of the profile, and if I try to create the profile on column 2. then it appears on the right of the footprint like in the 2nd picture.
[2022-08-16 18:20:19]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
We are not understanding what you mean when you state that "I can't play with the colours of the profile". This is definitely not true, you can change the colors by controlling the Percent/Actual Threshold Values along with changing the colors of the Up/Down Colors.

If you only want coloring when an imbalance is greater than a certain percentage, then you would want to set the following Inputs on the Numbers Bars:
- Column 1 Numbers Bars Text Type: Bid Vol x Ask Vol
- Column 1 Background Type: Volume Profile (other options can be chosen here, depending on what you want to see from the bars)
- Column 1 Background Coloring Method: Based on Dominant Side AskVol/BidVol Percentage
- Column 1 Range 3 Up Color: Whatever color you want to designate an Ask Imbalance
- Column 1 Range 2/1/0 Up Color: Same as the background color
- Column 1 Range 0/1/2 Down Color: Same as the background color
- Column 1 Range 3 Down Color: Whatever Color you want to designate a Bid imbalance
- Column 1 Percent Compare Thresholds: 0, 0, 4 (last number is the imbalance percentage you want - 4 = 400%)
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[2022-08-16 21:12:34]
User707307 - Posts: 84
Hello John, thank you for taking your time to help me once again.

I tried setting up all the options just like you told me here.

The problem is if I want to have a Volume Profile footprint like I have on column 1, then I have some coloring issues, I want to use percent compare thresholds for the Volume Profile with 1, 2,5 and 3 but for the imbalances want to use 2.5 only. So I have the same color for all the imbalances and only show the ones above 250%.

I also tried using volume profile on Column 2, but then Volume profile is shown on the right and it's not a nice read.

What can I do to highlight the imbalances to only 200% but at the same time be able to have different range colors to play for the volume profile footprint?

Thank you
[2022-08-16 21:23:20]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
There is not way to have a single column and get both the imbalance and the volume profile to show at the same time within the Numbers Bars study itself. Within the Numbers Bars study, you would have to use 2 columns to do what you want.

But, another option would be to setup the Numbers Bars with the Volume Profile, and then use the Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2 study to mark the imbalances on either side of the column. Refer to the information for this study here:
Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-08-17 10:46:26]
User707307 - Posts: 84
(Related to the question above)

On the picture attached, there's the volume profile on column 2, with the right imbalances set up just like I want. The question would be.

Is there anyway I can have the volume profile on the middle of the bid ask footprint instead of it spaced to the right. With the imbalances?

Thank you once again John.
imageOF.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-16 21:23:33 UTC - Size: 193.6 KB - 407 views
[2022-08-17 10:50:01]
User707307 - Posts: 84
Don't mind about the prior post, sorry.
[2022-08-17 10:53:38]
User707307 - Posts: 84
Now, I tried the Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2. And I see there are multiple options to mark the imbalances. But I don't see anyway to highligh the price like doing it with the number bars column 1 so the text of the bid or the ask is highlighted.

Is there anywaym to do such thing with the Volume at price threshold alert?

Thank you
[2022-08-17 11:38:10]
User907968 - Posts: 838
Use multiple copies of the study, one copy for the volume profile and one for the text display.
You can then color Column 1 text and volume profile entirely separately.

Numbers Bars: Using Multiple Numbers Bars Studies on the Same Chart
[2022-08-17 16:16:26]
User911964 - Posts: 7
did you manage to figure it out?

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