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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:36:01 +0000

Unable to cancel one leg of a bracket order if Interactive Brokers

View Count: 537

[2022-08-11 14:54:44]
DabbaDo - Posts: 148
I'm trading via DTC. I'm trying to do a bracket order with a stop but without a target.

At DTC Messages and Procedures: Bracket Order Procedures
I see "7. Each of the three orders can be independently canceled and modified by using the CANCEL_REPLACE_ORDER or CANCEL_ORDER messages. When the parent order is canceled, the children need to be canceled as well by Server."

When I'm trading with Interactive Brokers, cancelling the target order on my bracket order also cancels the stop order. This is true whether or not I am doing Server-Side Bracket Orders. The Trade Activity Log says "Canceling due to sibling having been filled or canceled. Internal cancel."
But when I trade on Sim1, I don't have this problem. The stop order remains on my bracket order even after cancelling the target order.

Is this a limitation of the Interactive Brokers implementation somehow? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you,
[2022-08-11 17:02:16]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18797
This is a special case which runs when the list of open orders is requested from TWS which happens periodically due to the unreliable nature of TWS regarding getting order updates.

And when the sibling order is filled or canceled the other order is canceled because in many cases it should no longer be working.

If you enable server-side OCO orders, this will avoid the problem.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-08-11 17:02:47

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