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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:36:15 +0000

Alert condition not working

View Count: 439

[2022-08-08 18:52:03]
User411320 - Posts: 303
I have the alert condition on one chart and it's working but I applied it to another chart and it's not working. the bars are suppose to print white . attached are photos
imageScreenshot 2022-08-06 125857 alert cond.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-08 18:51:39 UTC - Size: 31.9 KB - 100 views
imageScreenshot 2022-08-06 125809 NQ daily.png / V - Attached On 2022-08-08 18:51:48 UTC - Size: 49.9 KB - 102 views
[2022-08-08 21:55:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
First, when you say you "applied it to another chart", did you copy the information into it's own alert that is associated with a study (or the chart) on which you wanted the alert? There is not a way to apply an alert from one chart to another, you have to create the alert for the chart itself.

Second, we can not say that this is an issue, but you have ID5 and ID1 being referenced in the alert condition. Are these supposed to be these studies (whatever they are)? And also, if you just copied the alert information from the other chart, you would most likely need to update the IDs of the studies on the new chart, as the chances are that the studies do not have the same numbers.
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[2022-08-09 19:56:07]
User411320 - Posts: 303
This worked thank you

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