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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:13:43 +0000

Study: Time Range Highlight and Time line

View Count: 744

[2022-07-26 08:09:44]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122

On my market profile chart i have the study time range highlight, it is set to a fixed start time and fixed end time, so it shows me on the chart like a vertical rectangle / band showing me the RTH session.
But, every single day, this study gets out of place, so it doesnt start from the set time, the solution i use is i go to chart studies, i highlight the study, and click on "hide", Apply, then i unhide, apply, and its fixed.
But i'm tired of doing it everyday many times per day.
What is the solution for this problem ?

2- now i'm trying to use the time line as an alternative, so i set a timeline at the same start time of the "time range highlight", it shows me a vertical line at the start time.
Then i use the same study "timeline" but this second one i set it at the end time of the RTH trading session, however, it does not show anything on the chart.
so on the market profile chart, it only allows 1 timeline study.
I have tried on a normal candles chart and there isn't a problem there, its only on the market profile chart.

Any help would be appreciated

[2022-07-26 10:32:22]
User431178 - Posts: 614
Read this - Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: Using Other Studies on a TPO Chart - and then look at the timescale on the TPO chart.
Unless you have letter blocks in own column enabled, then the timescale is not showing true time, rather it is showing an additional second for each new column of TPO blocks.

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