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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:17:26 +0000

Working with microseconds within T/S

View Count: 609

[2022-07-20 12:48:05]
BillsSBC - Posts: 40
Hello, I’m trying to better understand the “Combine into Exchange Reported Original Summary Trade” feature on the T/S settings.

It’s my understanding the millisecond portion represents a unique order that is then sequential on the microsecond should there be additional trades to satisfy that order.

However, I’ve run into discrepancies as shown; the millisecond part of the trade is the same and the microsecond is sequential, but the trade falls on both the bid and ask.

How can this behavior be interpreted?
imagets.png / V - Attached On 2022-07-20 12:47:07 UTC - Size: 4.13 KB - 133 views
[2022-07-20 13:10:29]
User431178 - Posts: 614
Some information here regarding millisecond timestamps - True Millisecond/Microsecond Time Stamping and ACSIL
[2022-07-20 14:37:25]
BillsSBC - Posts: 40
Thanks I did review that thread along with the release thread here:
Version 2151 Available: Foundation For Millisecond/Microsecond Timestamping

The only thing I found relevant is the following statement which is what I understood:
"Microseconds will act as a counter for multiple trades within the same millisecond"

Is the assumption then, in my example, that the bid and ask trade actually did occur at the exact same millisecond. . .therefore counted/sequential but representing separate trades?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-07-20 14:51:09
[2022-07-20 14:50:54]
User431178 - Posts: 614
Is the assumption then, in my example, that the bid and ask trade actually did occur at the exact same microsecond
No, microsecond is a counter only, you can only know that the trades occurred within the same millisecond.

therefore counted/sequential but representing separate trades?
Yes, counted sequentially, each individual trade (whether bid or ask) increments the count, that is it.
[2022-07-20 14:52:18]
BillsSBC - Posts: 40
Made the "microsecond" edit but you beat me to the post. OK, that's good to know, thank you for the help.

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