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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:09:45 +0000

Securing proper communication between my Flex Renko charts and Sierra DOM.

View Count: 389

[2022-07-12 16:30:43]
User707404 - Posts: 34
My charts are out of communication with my Sierra Trading DOM. What are the proper Chart Settings for both the Flex Renko Charts to communicate/reflect correct opening/trading values between my chart and the Sierra DOM? The two seem to be out of sync with each other and sometimes jerking suddenly up or down on the DOM, instead of moving single tick by single tick (sometimes they are moving 4 to 6 or 7 ticks all of a sudden). What are the proper Chart Settings for both the DOM and the actual Flex Renko Chart? I have attempted to coordinate the Chart Setting for both the DOPM and Charts, but it does not seem to help, maybe I am missing some of the settings?
[2022-07-12 17:25:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
There is no specific connectivity between a Trading DOM and a Chart. They simply share a symbol.

If your Trading DOM is not updating as quickly as you expect it to, then the first thing is to look at the Chart >> Chart Settings >> Display >> Chart Update Interval and try using a number of around 100 for the Trading DOM (i.e. open Chart >> Chart Settings from the pulldown menu on the Trading DOM itself).

After that, refer to the following for other things you can do to improve performance:
Chart Trading and the Chart DOM: Improving Performance Of Chart / Trade DOM
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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