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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:01:31 +0000

New Quote Spreadsheet.

View Count: 483

[2022-07-05 19:09:37]
User841161 - Posts: 260
When using New Quote Spreadsheet, the Settlement Price or Previous Close Price. Is there a way to use a settlement price at a certain time. Seems like Settlement Price being used is maybe in the middle of the afternoon. So Daily Change is different than what I would think it would be. Is there a way to customize Settlement Price to time I would want it to be?
imageSpreadSheet-Index07-05.png / V - Attached On 2022-07-05 19:08:31 UTC - Size: 115.03 KB - 109 views
[2022-07-06 15:09:20]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18789
No, the settlement price is passed through from the exchange immediately as it is received and they send through multiple settlements.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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