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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 07:23:14 +0000


View Count: 481

[2022-06-01 17:09:50]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122
using the study "Numbers bars calculated Values" on AMD stock, i noticed if i set the setting "reset day calculations" to NO, it still resets the values ( see photo attached )
Do you think it can be fixed?

imageScreenshot 2022-06-01 190631.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-06-01 17:09:34 UTC - Size: 543.85 KB - 142 views
[2022-06-01 17:11:50]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122
here is another photo
imageScreenshot 2022-06-01 191111.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-06-01 17:11:40 UTC - Size: 826.02 KB - 143 views
[2022-06-01 17:35:54]
User431178 - Posts: 613
Look at the name of the subgraph, maybe it is a clue as to why it resets every day.
Information below taken from Numbers Bars: Displaying Numeric Information Below Numbers Bars

Cumulative Sum of Ask Volume & Bid Volume Difference - Day
Day Cumulative AskV - BidV: This is a cumulative bar to bar sum from the beginning of the day based according to the Session Times for the chart, of the difference between the total Ask Volume and the total Bid Volume for each entire Numbers Bar. This is the same as the Cumulative Delta Bars - Volume study.

If you don't want the cumulative delta to reset each day then use this:

Cumulative Sum of Ask Volume & Bid Volume Difference - All
All Cumulative AskV - BidV) This is a cumulative bar to bar sum from the beginning of the chart of the difference between the total Ask Volume and the total Bid Volume for each entire Numbers Bar.

Also, the input you mention does not control whether the calculations are reset at the start of the day, only whether they are reset at both day and evening session starts.

Reset Day Calculations at Both Session Start Times: This Input when set to Yes will cause the Numbers Bars Calculated Values Subgraphs which are based on a trading day and reset at the beginning of the trading day, to also be reset at the Evening Start Time when the chart is set to use the Evening Session. For additional information, refer to Session Times.
[2022-06-01 18:15:23]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38621
As noted by User431178, the Input does not control whether those subgraphs that reset at the start of each day are reset or not, it just controls whether they reset at the start of each session time.

From what you show in your chart, it looks like your session times go from 15:30 to 22:29:59. As such, the Day Cumulative Ask Volume - Bid Volume is reset at the beginning of the primary session time - 15:30.
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