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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 05:07:53 +0000

WISHLIST - Variable Names for IDxx.SGyy

View Count: 423

[2022-05-28 15:49:01]
User656492 - Posts: 146
For the wishlist: Life would be much easier if we could have a study that allows us to create variable names for other studies and subgraphs.


StudyName: Variable Names For Chart
Name: VAH
Reference: ID7.SG2
Name: VAL
Reference ID7.SG3

where ID7 is Volume Area Value Lines study on same chart.

It would be so much easier to read =AND(C>C[-1],C>VAH) as opposed to =AND(C>C[-1],C>ID7.SG2)

Trying to navigate the 50 studies I have stacked to accomplish my goals is exponentially difficult as I add more value to my charts.
[2022-05-28 20:53:34]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 319
I think what you want is already here in ACSIL

ACSIL Interface Members - sc.Subgraph Array

A useful method to make it easier to work with a sc.Subgraph[] and the sc.Subgraph[].Data array is to use a C++ reference. A reference is defined with SCSubgraphRef. SCSubgraphRef is a reference to the sc.Subgraph[] type. Below is an example of defining and using a reference.

// Make a reference to the second Subgraph and call it PlotB
SCSubgraphRef PlotB = sc.Subgraph[1];

// Now the PlotB reference can be used in place of sc.Subgraph[1]

// Set the value of the element in the Subgraph Data array the
// current index to 10.

// This is the same as sc.Subgraph[1][sc.Index] = 10.0f;
PlotB[sc.Index] = 10.0f;

Hope this helps.
[2022-06-01 15:49:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Really for something like this you need to move to ACSIL:
Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language (ACSIL)

Then you will have the ability to name Subgraph and Inputs with whatever name you want.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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