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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 16:29:59 +0000

Squaring a chart

View Count: 444

[2022-05-12 17:46:17]
User540504 - Posts: 15
Hello Engineers,

I'm trying to square my chart so that one unit of time equals one unit of price (tick), so that once set it will stay locked. I have tried to use the X & Y constant relationship but it doesn't appear to make much of a difference, and when I open up scale settings again after checking to see if my parameters work I get totally different values upon opening up scale settings again. Any insight?
[2022-05-13 17:21:31]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18750
We do not see any problem with the functionality. The Values Range will change in the X and Y Constant Relationship Settings with changes to the scale, but the proper ratio is always maintained internally as originally set.

Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: X & Y Constant Relationship Scaling
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