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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:04:28 +0000

Activated exchanged data like normal but still showing delayed - Denali

View Count: 865

[2022-05-04 13:51:56]
User963483 - Posts: 22
Hi there

I normally use CME and EUREX. I reactivated both yesterday and my EUREX symbols are realtime but for some reason I'm trying to view ESM22-CME and it's showed delayed data. Viewing my recurring services shows both are active.

Please assist

[2022-05-04 14:58:59]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
The reason you are getting the delayed data for the CME Group is because you have not verified that you have a live, funded, trading account with the past 30 days. Your verified until date is currently April 27, 2022. You need to connect to your live account in order to continue to get the CME Group data at the non-professional rate.

Refer to the instructions at the following link for how to connect to your live account once a month:
Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available From Sierra Chart: Connecting Only Once a Month to Trading Account to Support CME Group Exchange Fees
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-05-06 07:32:41]
User963483 - Posts: 22
I'm a bit confused though. I had to reconnect to CQG WebApi - then it started downloading it's symbol info. I disconnected and changed back to SC Data - All Services and it wasn't delayed. Great, but now AMP I'm charged for 2 data feeds is that correct? Denali and AMP / CQG?

Previously with amp I disabled everything and just wanted Denali with CQG routing. I haven't live traded in a while but intend to soon. My understanding now is that if I'm on SIM (SC Data All) and Trade > SimMode ON. It will use Denali, then I used to just go Trade > SimMod off and it would connect to my live account. Now it will have to redownload CQG's data? That will be impossible to go from SIM > Live fast.

I think the above happens due to a bug in displaying my Live Account See below
Before the Trading Window even shows my LIVE account there appears to be a bug.

Right now I have Sim1 (SC Data All) in my drop down list on the trade window. To get my live account there I go Trade > SimOff. It shows my live account (SC Data All). If I changed to "Trading Evaluator" it displays my "TestSMP" account and loads new symbols. If I now change BACK to (SC Data All). It still displays my "TestSMP" account not my live account in the trading window.

Changing between Trade > Sim mode on / off alternates between Sim1 and "TestSMP" despite not using Trading Eval. To get my actual live account to display I have to connect to CQG Web then change back to (SC Data All). Then it will alternate correctly between Sim1 and Live account while staying on SC Data All. This then creates the impression I can live trade using SC Data All using Denali data.

So basically I think the bug is after I connect to Trading Evaluator it loses my "live account" somehow. I'm using V2383 Rev 41758
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-06 07:39:01
[2022-05-06 14:32:54]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
There is no bug. Whatever your setting for Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Main Settings >> Current Selected Service is set to is defining what you can or cannot do. Also, keep in mind that different services use different symbols, so you need to update your symbols whenever you change your service.

When this is set to SC Data - All Services it means that you are able to get data from us, but you are not connected to your trading service. Therefore you can not trade in real-time with your CQG account.

What you want to do is to connect your Sierra Chart to your CQG account by following these instructions:
CQG Trading Platform Service: Setup Instructions

Then open your chartbooks and select Edit >> Translate Symbols to Current Service, this will then update the symbols in your chartbooks to the CQG symbols.

After this you should be fine. Sierra Chart is setup to allow you to connect to your trading service and get the data from us. Therefore, if you have not already done so, then you can let AMP know that you do not need the CQG data.

Now, when you turn Simulation Mode off, you will be connected to your CQG live account. When Simulation Mode is on, then you are just using the built-in simulation mode.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-05-13 06:27:48]
User963483 - Posts: 22
Thanks John. I was under the impression that when I select my Trading Service as CQG WebApi and then as you mention,
Edit >> Translate Symbols to Current Service, this will then update the symbols in your chartbooks to the CQG symbols.
. That my data feed will come from CQG and not the Denali feed?

I know you mention
Sierra Chart is setup to allow you to connect to your trading service and get the data from us
. So can you confirm that even if the symbols are CQG ones my data is in fact from you guys? I have previously informed AMP that ALL I want is the order routing not data but I have no way to "confirm" this within Sierra?

Hopefully AMP will support the Teton Order Routing soon so I can use that.
[2022-05-13 14:55:19]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
So can you confirm that even if the symbols are CQG ones my data is in fact from you guys?

Yes, this is correct. The data comes from our Denali feed as long as you have the option for Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Allow Support for Sierra chart Data Feeds is set to Yes.

I have previously informed AMP that ALL I want is the order routing not data but I have no way to "confirm" this within Sierra?

You can not confirm through us that you are not getting the CQG data (well, you could, but it is not worth it). You need to just check with AMP to ensure they have turned off the CQG data.

In terms of knowing if you are getting the data from us or not, refer to the information at the following link:
Chart Data and Chart Data Files: The Meaning of the [M] Designation after a Symbol
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-05-13 15:02:23]
cmet - Posts: 677
You can verify whether or not CQG data is active easily by downloading a copy of CQG Trader (the free platform) and logging in.

If there's no data in the dom, it's not active.
[2022-05-31 15:37:47]
User963483 - Posts: 22
Guys there has to be a bug.

Using SCData_AllServices and Trading Sim Mode is OFF. I have two Sierra Instances.

On my FIRST instance it has my LIVE trading account, I can view balances etc. One my second instance it shows Sim1-3 even though Trading Sim Mode is OFF on BOTH instances. I can't view my Live account on instance #2.

When I select CQG WebApi as my Data / Trade Services on #1. Only then on both instances it shows my LIVE account.

Put simply - SC Data All Services does not ripple my live account to my second instance.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-31 15:55:52
[2022-05-31 21:26:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
We are not quite following the setup you have, but in general when Current Selected Service is set to SC Data - All Services, then you are NOT connected to your trading account. You need to have the Current Selected Service set to the appropriate value based on your trading service (it sounds like this should be CQG in your case).

The exception to this is if you are using the option File >> New Instance, in which case those "sub-instances" are getting and sending data through the main instance. In this case, the Current Selected Service will be set to DTC - Sub-Instance and you can not change it.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-06-06 11:36:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
When using SC Data-All Services there is no access whatsoever to your trading service and there is no information accessible from it at all.

If you want to have multiple connections to your trading account you need to use Teton order routing:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-06 11:37:14

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