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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 16:55:18 +0000

Trying to duplicate chart to another chartbook,but popup does not list any other chartbook

View Count: 735

[2022-05-03 02:06:28]
User216753 - Posts: 19
Trying to duplicate chart to another chartbook, but pop up does not list any other chartbook to send to other than the book I'm already in that I'm trying to send the chart from.

I even have the chartbook up and running that I want to duplicate to, at the same time as the chartbook I'm duplicating from, to no avail.

Pop up does not offer the other open chartbook to duplicate to, much less the other chartbooks listed under file. Only the chartbook that I'm currently in is on the list to choose from to where I want to duplicate to.
[2022-05-03 13:47:41]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 320
I just tried it on ver 2390 and it worked. I have 2 chartbooks open, I was viewing the 'From' chartbook and chart I wanted to copy. Then select from menu Duplicate chart to Chartbook. Then in popup window in the value area of the line Chartbook List, select the chartbook to copy to, then press OK

Hope this helps
imageSupport Copy Chart to Chartbook.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-05-03 13:46:25 UTC - Size: 23.53 KB - 151 views
[2022-05-05 21:19:05]
User216753 - Posts: 19
Version 10 is the latest version according to when I choose to download current version it is 10
[2022-05-05 21:51:50]
JohnR - User831573 - Posts: 320
Version 10 is the download/install program version. To see the version of SierraCharts, it can been seen in two places. The top left of your chart or by pressing Help / About.

Hope this helps

imageSupport Copy Chart to Chartbook-2.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-05-05 21:51:35 UTC - Size: 69.8 KB - 143 views
[2022-05-05 22:25:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38800
You need to click in the field that shows the Chartbook in order to select another chartbook. Refer to the following for how to work with that particular field:
Settings Windows Interface: Item List (Working with Sierra Chart Windows >> Selection Specific Options)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-05-07 01:50:12]
User216753 - Posts: 19
Got it ThanK You.
[2022-10-24 16:48:36]
M2m48 - Posts: 10
I don't get it? previously I would have Chartbook 1 and Ownership , When I had a equity residing at Chartbook 1 or multiple equities that I had purchased I wanted to move them to ownership . Now I have to highlight the symbol, address to duplicate chart and than decide to switch to this chartbook or create a new chartbook ? I only have two chartbooks up why must I create a new chart book.
[2022-10-24 22:03:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38800
We do not understand what you mean by "I have to highlight the symbol". There is nothing you need to do to duplicate a chart to a Chartbook that involves the symbol.

When you select Chart >> Duplicate Chart to Chartbook, you need to select the Chartbook to which you want to copy to. The default Chartbook selection will be the chartbook you are in. So you need to select that field in order to select another open chartbook.

Refer to the instructions for how to interact with that specific type of field here:
Settings Windows Interface: Item List (Working with Sierra Chart Windows >> Selection Specific Options)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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