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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 07:43:06 +0000

[Locked] - Sierra Chart delay and screen issue

View Count: 764

[2022-03-10 01:55:33]
User148596 - Posts: 217
Hi, I just started getting a long lag (about 7 seconds) between clicking in SC and menus opening. I recently deleted some charts from my chartbook to make it less of a burdernsome chartbook because I was seeing a slight difference in prices across different charts in my chartbook.
I updated to the current version today to try and fix the problem but it didn't help. I tried to uninstall it and re-install it but it didn't show up among my other apps in the uninstall area of the control panel for Windows. I know I've been reaching out to you a lot lately and I apologize for that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[2022-03-10 01:58:03]
User148596 - Posts: 217
I just found your link to all the issues that could cause delays and the steps to take so I'll give that a go and let you know if I am still having issues.
[2022-03-10 03:04:47]
User148596 - Posts: 217
Okay so I've gone through the recommended steps and none of them are helping to fix the issue. The strange thing is that the CPU usage is super low. Charts are loading very quickly, it's just the user interface that is really lagging. Any help would be appreciated.

[2022-03-10 03:26:14]
User148596 - Posts: 217
Okay so the other day when I was removing charts from my chartbook to try and fix the price discrepancy issues I was seeing across different charts I put those charts in another chartbook. I basically recreated the whole chartbook and then went through and removed all the charts that I didn't use on a regular basis from the original chartbook. So I opened up that other chart, the one with way more charts in it and all the original settings of days to load etc. that I just went through and changed in the other chartbook to fix the user interface delay issue and this chartbook works fine. There's no delay in the user interface at all. I'm perplexed. So I guess I'll send the charts that I don't use back to the other chartbook now and just use this chartbook. Seems like a strange way to fix the issue but whatever gets the job done :)
[2022-03-10 09:19:58]
WarriorTrader - Posts: 245

I am having similar issues after updating from a SC version that was a few months old. My CPU usage goes down from 25% to 5% and everything slows down. Once I restart SC everything goes back to normal.

My next step is to recompile all my custom studies. It would be a lot of work to recreate my chartbook but glad to hear that fixed the problem for you.

As I always say ........ I hate to upgrade.

[2022-03-10 17:33:26]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
These are basically issues involving system performance, and what you are doing with Sierra Chart. There is nothing wrong with Sierra Chart itself. You need to work through these problems yourself. Only you can do that. We do not know what you are doing with Sierra Chart and we do not know your system.

Refer to:
High CPU Usage | Inactive User Interface | Poor Performance | Long Time to Load Chart Data | Charts Reloading Often

Regarding Post #5, this is not an issue with Sierra Chart. It is what we have said above. We do not see how this is a version specific issue. From our perspective, it makes no sense at all.

We have added a new item to help topic 30 and it is:
High CPU Usage | Inactive User Interface | Poor Performance | Long Time to Load Chart Data | Charts Reloading Often: 30.51 - Very Large and/or Large Number of Trade Activity Files

Post #4 also makes no sense to us at all.

If you are just moving charts around among Chartbooks that is not going to make any difference.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-10 17:35:39
[2022-03-10 18:43:07]
User148596 - Posts: 217
Yeah I think you're right Sierra Chart engineer. It must be something going on with my computer because the user interface with this chartbook is now lagging too. Thanks for the additional links, I'll take a look.
[2022-03-14 14:15:54]
WarriorTrader - Posts: 245
Hello SC Support,

I narrowed the CPU usage and SC sluggishness issue. It only happens after I put my laptop in SLEEP mode.

I will put in a separate ticket later with screen shots.

[2022-03-15 01:07:21]
User148596 - Posts: 217
Based on the fact that my Sierra Chart user interface (chart shortcut menu, etc) is super delayed in one chartbook, but then I switch to the same chartbook but with multiple additional charts than the one I switched from and the user interface problems immediately go away, but then re-surface as time goes on, can you give me a best guess as to what my computer is doing to cause this issue? This is a recent problem and I haven't changed anything except for following the troubleshooting steps you advise, which have been fruitless. I do have Norton 365 but I always have and they don't have an option for the setting you recommend.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-15 01:08:00

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