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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 16:36:20 +0000

Denali to Teton - OHLC Values

View Count: 529

[2022-02-04 10:04:09]
User462086 - Posts: 196
After making the changes in the Data/Trade Services window, a dialog popped up asking to translate the symbols. I clicked YES and waited...

A few hours passed so I shut down SC and proceeded to manually update the names of the .scid & .dly files based on the new symbology (CONTRACT_FUT_CME). This method has worked well in the past.

The OHLC values of the intraday data before the 'translation' command are now being plotted on the charts incorrectly (it looks like the digits to the left of the decimal have been removed).

The OHLC values in the '.dly' files have been multiplied by 100 for Crude Oil (CL). For example, a market price of 90.27 is now 9027.00000000

Using "EDIT > Delete All Data & Download" for the current contract fixed the intraday plotting issue for that contract.

So now I'm thinking the OHLC values in the data files for use with the Teton routing have been scaled up to their integer equivalent.

If that's the case, renaming my Denali-based files with the new symboloy will not help. Instead it's required to either:

1) allow SC to 'translate' (ie, scale up) all of the Denali-based intraday files' OHLC values
2) delete/remove the Denali-based .scid & .dly files from the DATA folder & have SC download the data in the Teton format

Is this correct?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-04 10:05:50
[2022-02-04 11:21:47]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
A few hours passed so I shut down SC and proceeded to manually update the names of the .scid & .dly files based on the new symbology (CONTRACT_FUT_CME). This method has worked well in the past.
You definitely cannot do this. It does not say anywhere in the documentation to do this. You need to just simply translate the symbols and let Sierra Chart download new data.

2) delete/remove the Denali-based .scid & .dly files from the DATA folder & have SC download the data in the Teton format

And also this is not about Teton or Denali data formats. When using the Teton order routing service, exchange native pricing is used. The Denali data feed is still used with the Teton order routing service.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-04 11:27:46
[2022-02-04 11:33:56]
User462086 - Posts: 196
The Denali data feed is still used with the Teton order routing service.

Yes, I understand this and hence my surprise to see the scaled up OHLC values in the .dly files, and the scaled down values on the charts.

Thanks as always for the speedy reply.

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