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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 09:30:07 +0000

30 min openings range with mid point and shadow

View Count: 589

[2022-01-19 17:49:12]
MEETsierra1407 - Posts: 5

I'm trying to build the 30min openings range like in the attachment. I already found the study: High/ low for time period extended.

But i would like to ad a MID-POINT as well as a shadow (see attachment.


image30 min openings Range.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-01-19 17:48:56 UTC - Size: 47.28 KB - 163 views
[2022-01-24 16:59:53]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38425
With regards to adding a Mid-Point, refer to the information on the Arithmetic Studies (in particular, the Study Subgraphs - Average):
Using the Basic Arithmetic Studies

With regards to the Shadow, refer to the following:
Chart Studies: Filling the Area Between Two Study Subgraphs within Same Study
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[2022-01-24 20:23:51]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4179
I'm trying to build the 30min openings range...But i would like to add a MID-POINT
If you use the Initial Balance study instead, it has a midpoint subgraph.
Initial Balance
[2022-01-27 07:10:19]
Tonkadad - Posts: 235
Not sure if this is any help.


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