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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:24:17 +0000

Order Type not accepted - CQG

View Count: 661

[2022-01-06 00:10:06]
User856020 - Posts: 9
Hello, I'm having problem placing the order with CQG service.
Using OCO Stop and Market if Touched order types (see images for details)

1. When placing the "Buy stop limit" order below the price or "Sell stop limit" above the price the CQG service rejects the order action.
2. When entering the "market order" the OCO group orders are rejected and only market order remains active

I would like to use Server Side OCO orders with CQG and be able to place OCO buy/sell limit orders below/above price and market order with OCO attached orders.

Could you please help. Thanks

Trade Log activity CO buy/sell limit orders below/above price:
ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  Note  AccountBalance  ExchangeOrderID  ClientOrderID  TimeInForce  Username
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:51.842983  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15775.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4555    Market if Touched    Sell  15779.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4554          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:51.853113  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15775.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4556    Stop    Sell  15748.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4554          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:51.865611  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15775.5 | AO=1  4554    Stop Limit  1  Buy  15754.50  15755.50  Order Sent      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:51.879295  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15775.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4558    Market if Touched    Sell  15766.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4557          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:51.893452  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15775.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4559    Stop    Sell  15748.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4557          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:51.905865  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15775.5 | AO=1  4557    Stop Limit  1  Buy  15754.50  15755.50  Order Sent      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.174469  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: IN_TRANSIT  4554  138045023  Stop Limit  1  Buy  15754.50  15755.50  Pending Open      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4554.71451  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175495  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: IN_TRANSIT  4557  138045024  Stop Limit  1  Buy  15754.50  15755.50  Pending Open      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4557.53167  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175536  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: REJECTED. Text: Buy order stop price must be above last trade price ExchangeRejectCode = 2061  4554  138045023  Stop Limit  1  Buy  15754.50  15755.50  Error      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4554.71451  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175562  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4554. Internal cancel  4555    Market if Touched    Sell  15779.50    Pending Cancel      129768  Close  4554          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175570  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4554. Internal cancel  4555    Market if Touched    Sell  15779.50    Canceled      129768  Close  4554          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175584  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4554. Internal cancel  4556    Stop    Sell  15748.50    Pending Cancel      129768  Close  4554          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175590  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4554. Internal cancel  4556    Stop    Sell  15748.50    Canceled      129768  Close  4554          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175612  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: REJECTED. Text: Buy order stop price must be above last trade price ExchangeRejectCode = 2061  4557  138045024  Stop Limit  1  Buy  15754.50  15755.50  Error      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4557.53167  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175623  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4557. Internal cancel  4558    Market if Touched    Sell  15766.50    Pending Cancel      129768  Close  4557          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175634  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4557. Internal cancel  4558    Market if Touched    Sell  15766.50    Canceled      129768  Close  4557          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175642  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4557. Internal cancel  4559    Stop    Sell  15748.50    Pending Cancel      129768  Close  4557          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 18:54:52.175648  F.US.MNQH22  Canceling child orders of internal order ID 4557. Internal cancel  4559    Stop    Sell  15748.50    Canceled      129768  Close  4557          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  

Trade Log activity market order:

ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  Note  AccountBalance  ExchangeOrderID  ClientOrderID  TimeInForce  Username
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.330652  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15790.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4561    Market if Touched    Sell  15815.75    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4560          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.340917  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15790.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4562    Stop    Sell  15784.75    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4560          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.350820  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15790.5 | AO=1  4560    Market  1  Buy      Order Sent      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.360424  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15790.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4564    Market if Touched    Sell  15802.75    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4563          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.371479  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15790.5 | AO=1. Attached Order | Client side bracket order | Server side OCO order  4565    Stop    Sell  15784.75    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4563          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.381699  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry | Last: 15790.5 | AO=1  4563    Market  1  Buy      Order Sent      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.596853  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: IN_TRANSIT  4560  137914903  Market  1  Buy      Pending Open      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4560.54922  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.597057  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: IN_TRANSIT  4563  137914904  Market  1  Buy      Pending Open      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4563.27053  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.597079  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: ACK_PLACE  4560  137914903  Market  1  Buy      Open      129768  Open            NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4560.54922  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:33.597111  F.US.MNQH22  Updated Service Position Quantity to 1                Unspecified      129768                0.00        
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607735  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: FILL  4560  137914903  Market  1  Buy      Filled  15790.50  1  129768  Open      48505804813      NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4560.54922  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607736  F.US.MNQH22  Updated Internal Position Quantity to 1. Previous: 0        1        Unspecified      129768      1          0.00        
Fills  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607737  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: FILL  4560  137914903  Market  1  Buy      Filled  15790.50  1  129768  Open    1  48505804813      NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4560.54922  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607881  F.US.MNQH22  Modifying Attached Order from parent fill. Parent base price: 15790.50. New price: 15815.50. Requested Price: 15815.50. Requested Quantity: 0  4561    Market if Touched    Sell  15815.75    Pending Modify      129768  Close  4560  1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607890  F.US.MNQH22  Order modified internally. Modifying Attached Order from parent fill. Parent base price: 15790.50. New price: 15815.50. Requested Price: 15815.50. Requested Quantity: 0  4561    Market if Touched    Sell  15815.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4560  1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607904  F.US.MNQH22  Modifying Attached Order from parent fill. Parent base price: 15790.50. New price: 15784.50. Requested Price: 15784.50. Requested Quantity: 0  4562    Stop    Sell  15784.75    Pending Modify      129768  Close  4560  1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607910  F.US.MNQH22  Order modified internally. Modifying Attached Order from parent fill. Parent base price: 15790.50. New price: 15784.50. Requested Price: 15784.50. Requested Quantity: 0  4562    Stop    Sell  15784.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4560  1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607918  F.US.MNQH22  Updating move to breakeven stop reference price on parent modification/fill to 15790.5  4562    Stop    Sell  15784.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4560          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607922  F.US.MNQH22  Updating move to breakeven stop trigger price on parent modification/fill to 15797.5  4562    Stop    Sell  15784.50    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4560          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607929  F.US.MNQH22  Auto-sent child from parent fill  4561    Market if Touched  1  Sell  15815.50    Order Sent      129768  Close  4560  1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.607946  F.US.MNQH22  Auto-sent child from parent fill  4562    Stop  1  Sell  15784.50    Order Sent      129768  Close  4560  1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608220  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: ACK_PLACE  4563  137914904  Market  1  Buy      Open      129768  Open    1        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4563.27053  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608324  F.US.MNQH22  Updated Service Position Quantity to 2                Unspecified      129768      1          0.00        
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608343  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: FILL  4563  137914904  Market  1  Buy      Filled  15790.75  1  129768  Open    1  48505805069      NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4563.27053  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608344  F.US.MNQH22  Updated Internal Position Quantity to 2. Previous: 1        1        Unspecified      129768      2          0.00        
Fills  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608345  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: FILL  4563  137914904  Market  1  Buy      Filled  15790.75  1  129768  Open    2  48505805069      NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4563.27053  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608387  F.US.MNQH22  Updating move to breakeven stop reference price on parent modification/fill to 15790.75  4565    Stop    Sell  15784.75    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4563          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608391  F.US.MNQH22  Updating move to breakeven stop trigger price on parent modification/fill to 15797.75  4565    Stop    Sell  15784.75    Pending Child-Client      129768  Close  4563          NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608399  F.US.MNQH22  Auto-sent child from parent fill  4564    Market if Touched  1  Sell  15802.75    Order Sent      129768  Close  4563  2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.608410  F.US.MNQH22  Auto-sent child from parent fill  4565    Stop  1  Sell  15784.75    Order Sent      129768  Close  4563  2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.735284  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: REJECTED. Text: The order type is not allowed for the commodity  4561  138050366  Market if Touched  1  Sell  15815.50    Error      129768  Close  4560  2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4561.39234  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.735354  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: REJECTED. Text: This order was rejected with other order in compound order  4562  138050367  Stop  1  Sell  15784.50    Error      129768  Close  4560  2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4562.97873  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.778247  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: REJECTED. Text: The order type is not allowed for the commodity  4564  138055204  Market if Touched  1  Sell  15802.75    Error      129768  Close  4563  2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4564.35633  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:33.778344  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: REJECTED. Text: This order was rejected with other order in compound order  4565  138055205  Stop  1  Sell  15784.75    Error      129768  Close  4563  2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4565.93852  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:36.298322  F.US.MNQH22  No working orders to cancel for Symbol and Account                Unspecified      129768                0.00        
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:36.298343  F.US.MNQH22  F.US.MNQH22 [CV][M] Renko 9t #1 | User order entry. Flatten&Cancel | Last: 15790. Current Position quantity: 2 | AO=0  4566    Market  2  Sell      Order Sent      129768  Close    2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00      Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:36.449406  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: IN_TRANSIT  4566  138055206  Market  2  Sell      Pending Open      129768  Close    2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4566.29459  Day  
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:36.451971  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: ACK_PLACE  4566  138055206  Market  2  Sell      Open      129768  Close    2        NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4566.29459  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:36.452014  F.US.MNQH22  Updated Service Position Quantity to 0                Unspecified      129768      2          0.00        
Orders  2022-01-05 19:08:36.452021  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: FILL  4566  138055206  Market  2  Sell      Filled  15791.75  2  129768  Close    2  48505806861      NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4566.29459  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:36.452022  F.US.MNQH22  Updated Internal Position Quantity to 0. Previous: 2        2        Unspecified      129768                0.00        
Fills  2022-01-05 19:08:36.452023  F.US.MNQH22  CQG order update. Status: FILL  4566  138055206  Market  2  Sell      Filled  15791.75  2  129768  Close      48505806861  15791.75  15790.00  NQMIN_2Targets.twconfig  0.00    4566.29459  Day  
Positions  2022-01-05 19:08:46.299457  F.US.MNQH22  Removing Position with quantity of 0                Unspecified      129768                0.00
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[2022-01-06 05:08:54]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The problem is you cannot use a Market if Touched order for Attached Orders in this particular case.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-01-06 08:33:52]
User856020 - Posts: 9
1. Could you please provide an advice on which type of orders can be used for attached orders with Server Side OCO orders enabled on CQG?
2. Is this order type with server side OCO accepted on Teton service provided by SierraChart?
3. Does Rithmic or TT allow Server Side OCO orders buy/sell limit orders below/above price and market order with OCO attached orders?

Thank you
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-06 09:53:55
[2022-01-10 04:48:39]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18656
1. Only the order types that the exchange supports. you can check with the CME on this.

2. No because the CME does not support that order type.

3. Assuming we are understanding you correctly, this is supported by the Teton order routing service. We cannot help you with other services.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-10 04:49:38

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