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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:01:45 +0000

Resize & move detached DOM windows

View Count: 1378

[2021-12-22 00:29:31]
aceoftrades12 - Posts: 23
I've been pulling my hair out with this. I can detach regular chart windows and move them around, resize them, etc just as would be expected. However, if I try to do the same with a DOM, Time in Sales, Market Depth, etc type window, it's always an infuriating process trying to get it to resize or move once detached. They move around just fine inside the normal Sierra Chart window, but as soon as I detach a DOM for instance, it's either full screen (cannot change the size), or if I manage to get it detached without being full screen, then I can only drag the top up or down, but the bottom will not move so the DOM can never just be a small window on the top of my screen. I've noticed the other windows like TiS and market depth have similar issues but this DOM is the wort one and I just spent another hour trying to get it to move and resize properly but can never do so. What on earth is happening here? Thanks!
[2021-12-22 01:06:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Make sure they have a title bar! Do not remove the title bars.

And what you are describing all relates to the Windows operating system. None of this is specific to Sierra Chart. If you have frustrations, it is because of Windows. First put the title bar back.

We hope the menu is still there? So to put the title bar back, enable Chart >> Show Title Bar from the Trading DOM. Then you can move the window, normally through the title bar. And you have minimize, restore and maximize buttons at the top right.

Users should not remove title bars or menus unless they understand the consequence of removing these. And the various malfunctions of these windows which can and will occur at the Windows operating system level when these get removed.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-22 01:08:56
[2021-12-22 01:11:08]
aceoftrades12 - Posts: 23
OMG!!!!! None of my other Windows apps had the title bar missing (no idea how that happened). Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was about to throw my monitor out the window! :-)

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