Support Board
Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 02:06:38 +0000
Petition to AMP Futures for Cooperation with Sierrachart’s new Teton Order Routing service
View Count: 6176
[2021-12-17 20:44:10] |
Zosimus - Posts: 345 |
I would like to invite others to join me in raising AMP Future’s awareness for the significant demand from Sierrachart Users, who have traditionally been using AMP Futures as their Brokerage Firm: a long-standing partner of Sierrachart. We would like to call decision-makers’ attention to the fact that many of us have found both Sierrachart a useful tool as well as AMP Futures a very reliable Broker. Combining the two has benefited us for almost a decade and so we could both enjoy Sierra’s versatile capabilities, as well as have a Broker we could always rely on. Recently there has been some friction related to Sierra Chart’s new order routing service that jeopardizes this fruitful cooperation. Unlike many Brokerage Firms, AMP Futures doesn't seem to be able to accommodate Sierrachart’s Teton order routing service In the interest of a significant amount of Customers, we ask AMP Futures to please reconsider your position. ---- From Sierra Chart Engineering: This is the information for the Teton Order Routing Service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-18 17:39:58
[2021-12-17 22:58:18] |
GravisHTG - Posts: 306 |
I just register again with them. I have my main account with sierra chart directly and i get the data from Sierra chart directly. So , on AMP side , I got the Setup for trading only , and they link me with CQG. Now , I log on the Global Settings of SC to CQG webAPI , and its only for trading. As I trade for 2 days now and did not see any problem, so I would like to know more about it. ------- I just check a little about it, Seems like I understand the point now, So AMP will have to do buisness with Sierra Charts directly right ? or else we will just keep the CQG low speed transmition if we want ot trade with AMP ? Will they cancel all transaction from Other site soon too ? ---- OMG TETON looks very good , I think they should charge a little for it , or maybe just had a per month cost basis , so they can make it better all the time and finance other project that will be good for the platform. --- Sorry for this , Siera charts dev. I understand even more your vision now. ---- --- have a good day. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-20 04:59:53
[2021-12-18 07:44:11] |
Zosimus - Posts: 345 |
Hi GravisHTG, Take a look at the two attached images. |
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[2021-12-18 08:23:32] |
GravisHTG - Posts: 306 |
Ok I put my name on this Petition ! So we can show amp that we want to stay with them and they will have the top most best services with sierra charts !
[2021-12-18 11:17:39] |
DF52 - Posts: 19 |
I've been a customer of Amp and Sierra for multiple years. I'm happy with the service I receive from both and I don't wish to leave Amp. I would like Amp to make the Teton routing service available as an option. |
[2021-12-18 13:10:42] |
Zosimus - Posts: 345 |
Thank you GravisHTG and DF52. I believe many more will support this if we manage to catch their attention.
[2021-12-18 15:00:53] |
User432142 - Posts: 44 |
[2021-12-18 16:46:05] |
OMG TETON looks very good , I think they should charge a little for it , or maybe just had a per month cost basis , so they can make it better all the time and finance other project that will be good for the platform. We do not need to charge for it. That is not necessary to make it better. And it already is very good and complete and there is not a lot that is needed for order routing.And if the user base really wants to help us. Stop posting on the support board and taking away our time. And this is why we want to consolidate services, and focus on what we can do best and not get involved in anything else and phase out all these unnecessary services and provide the best service consistently to everyone. This is the information for the Teton Order Routing Service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-18 17:39:27
[2021-12-18 18:19:58] |
Zosimus - Posts: 345 |
I changed the prefix of this thread's subject line to "User Discussion" so that the SC support team will not have to waste their development time on this issue. At the end of the day, this is between us and AMP.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-18 20:54:35
[2021-12-18 22:22:58] |
ondafringe - Posts: 309 |
AMP already sent an email to all their customers to announce they intend to fully support SC's direct order routing. So you weren't paying attention? |
[2021-12-18 22:27:13] |
DF52 - Posts: 19 |
I'm an Amp customer. I receive all Amp emails and they didn't send one to me.
[2021-12-19 03:03:59] |
AMP already sent an email to all their customers to announce they intend to fully support SC's direct order routing. The question is, when? Can be a long time.Anyway, one thing that may help is our auto liquidation functionality which they would require. This way they can get started, without having to implement this themselves. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-19 03:04:08
[2021-12-19 07:52:48] |
Zosimus - Posts: 345 |
ondafringe, thank you for the information. I don't recall getting such an email but anyway this is somewhat reassuring.
[2021-12-19 18:38:32] |
Bet_More_Tim - Posts: 21 |
Sierrachart Teton is the next module going to be Rocky? =P |
[2021-12-19 20:21:33] |
We have not had a need for another name so we have not thought through that far.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-12-20 01:07:43] |
Tooth Fairy - Posts: 79 |
I asked them the support question b4, attached is their response, so don't get your hope too high if u decide AMP to remain as your broker. I have looked at AGN as broker replacement so I don't see this as an issue one way or another.
![]() |
[2021-12-20 01:35:59] |
Well, let us see what happens. Let us see about the issues that TT, Rithmic and CQG have or had ( in the past), since we have released our CME order routing and compare to our record. We have a perfect record so far. So that is one reason. Risk management is definitely far more advanced, than CQG. No rejections when flattening a position unless the global order quantity limit is set too low but this is not normally the case. Reliable server-side bracket orders that work properly! They do not work right with CQG. Neither OCO or Bracket orders, work as expected with CQG. There are issues with them. And CQG has no auto liquidation either. Low latency order routing. Long-term order fill history with Position quantity per fill. Zero cost. The entire feature list is here: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-20 01:36:30
[2021-12-20 03:21:26] |
GravisHTG - Posts: 306 |
Well , if we all put our name here, maybe they will move faster , As I beleive in Sierra Chart , when they said something is ready , its ready ! --------------------------------------------------------- Just check with AMP chat and they gave me this link again. Sierra Chart has announced they are ready for the initial release of their own Sierra Chart - CME Direct Order routing service effective the week of October 2, 2021. AMP will be adding this order-routing as soon as we are comfortable with all of the required order-routing requirements, risk management etc.. Once FCM account management operations are solid, we will begin to offer the routing service to our customers. To confirm, there are no changes to your existing AMP/Sierra account. You will continue to trade with your current CQG or Rithmic Live Trading Setup. This is just a heads up notice....we will provide you updates as it develops. Happy Trading! --------------------------------------------------- Will it cost them something to make the swap ? Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-20 03:26:15
[2021-12-20 04:17:11] |
No. It does not cost them anything. They will save huge amounts compared to CQG. We think they would save 1,000,000 + USD a year if they did all of their CME order routing through Teton instead of CQG. They can correct us if we are wrong. AMP will be adding this order-routing as soon as we are comfortable with all of the required order-routing requirements, risk management etc.. Once FCM account management operations are solid, we will begin to offer the routing service to our customers. Really? How would they know this? They are not doing any evaluation.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-21 00:25:23
[2021-12-20 21:15:44] |
DCSaba - Posts: 113 |
+1 !
[2021-12-21 15:43:09] |
Edge Clear - Posts: 17 |
Hello traders! We stumbled upon this thread and felt we should step in and try to assist Sierra Chart users. Teton Order Routing is available through Edge Clear as a no transaction fee solution for traders. We can enable your account on the high-quality order routing service with advanced risk management from Sierra Chart immediately! For details on Teton and what we offer, please go here: Currently, two of our clearing firms support the Teton Order Routing: 1.Phillip Capital 2.Dorman Trading If you are ready to move to the Teton Order Routing solution right away, we invite you to select one of the above FCMs and file an application here: If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 773-832-8320 or 1-844-TRADE-20. You can also contact us here: Both Sierra Chart and Edge Clear are working to simplify access to the futures markets through outstanding solutions. Everything that Edge Clear does is Trader-Inspired. Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. |
[2021-12-22 04:32:52] |
User475690 - Posts: 34 |
Maybe should post this at AMP fourm, otherwise they don't know.
[2021-12-22 18:35:28] |
Zosimus - Posts: 345 |
Maybe should post this at AMP fourm, otherwise they don't know.
If/when we get more support here I will make sure that AMP knows about this, but with only 4 or 5 supporters I don't feel like we have much leverage.... Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-22 18:36:08
[2021-12-26 17:36:59] |
tomas262 - Posts: 145 |
+1 ... been with AMP for ages and do not want to move anywhere else!! We could finally have rock solid trading solution with all AMP benefits
[2021-12-27 00:22:48] |
User920967 - Posts: 62 |
+1 I opened an account with advantage futures to get early access to Teton. Very happy. My Amp account is currently dormant and underfunded till Teton is supported. I like Amp, excellent fcm, and their intraday margins are still the lowest in the business. Many other brokers/fcm have intraday margins that are absurdly high in comparison. |
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