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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 09:36:29 +0000

Averaging that includes displacements

View Count: 617

[2021-11-14 16:42:36]
User220914 - Posts: 239

I know you guys are very busy as always but hoping you will add to your averaging study the ability for it to use the actual data of the moving average even if it is displaced in order to draw the new moving average. Sometimes there are 2 different displacements and manually displacing the new averaged ma does not give the correct result.

Is it very difficult to have your system use the actual value of the displaced ma instead of the original period value without displacement?

Need the ability to use 2 ma with the displacement values being average but currently the system seems to only average original time period.

Thank you in advance
[2021-11-14 17:00:14]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38425
We have set this as a Feature Request.

Just so you are aware, you can achieve the result you are wanting by using the Spreadsheet Formula and entering a formula like the following:
=(ID1.SG1[-5] + ID2.SG1[-10]) / 2

This will give you the average of the displaced subgraphs as if one was offset by 5 and the other by 10.
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[2021-11-15 22:39:32]
User220914 - Posts: 239
terrific thank you ! a new feature with tis would stil be great aswell
[2021-11-15 22:39:45]
User220914 - Posts: 239
terrific thank you ! a new feature with tis would stil be great aswell
[2022-01-27 23:54:06]
User220914 - Posts: 239
I was wondering how it was going on sierra chart using the offsets for MOVING AVERAGES in calculations for averaging 2 or 3 moving averages?

I also wanted to know if this new feature would be included on "OVERLAY" moving averages. It seems that the offset
when I overlay a moving average from one chart to another chart with different time periods does not include the "offset" and manually trying to offset the "overlayed" moving average only offsets this overlayed moving average in the CURRENT time frame chart that is was palced (overlayed) on top. I hope that made sense

Basically. if i have a 30 minute chart with a 2 period positive offset and i overlay it onto say a 5 minute chart then the moving average from the 30 minute does not have an offset period at all from what i can see and if i try and offset it in the 5 minute chart then it only offsets based on 5 minute bars not 30 minute bars.

if you can think of a work around I am all ears. thank you

Lastly in some of your studies you have an offset that is called an "OFFSET PERCENTAGE" this is usually used for arrows and drawing as to not interfere with the viewing of the price bars in a chart;however, most trding software that I ahve used include a "% pffset or vertical offset " for moving averages as well as other studies.

I hope you would add this feature to ALL of your moving average studies a % offset up or down would be very helpful in a myriad of ways for us to use your product to its full potential.

Lastly while I have your attention and this may be a monumemtal amount of work, but why not have a UNIFORM SETTINGS page for all of your INDICATORS where we can ultra customize all of them but have them be UNIFORM for that users old and new can learn the platform easier and get work done more efficiently.

Quite a few of the indicators seem to have a hodge-podge of customizations versus a set uniform huge list of customiztions that could be included on all analytics. This is not a complaint just an idea.

thank you for your time.

in summary:
1. offset (horizontal) for MA included when overlayed and in calcualtions i.e. averageing
2. % offset (vertical) offset for moving averages to start and other indicators.

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