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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:57:11 +0000

TPO and Data Feed(s) Needed

View Count: 576

[2021-10-29 01:10:33]
User615736 - Posts: 2
I am looking to have TPO access.
I will need Real-Time data feed for both Futures (/ES & NQ mini) and U.S. equities. Non-professional.
I will NOT be making trades through Sierra Charts. Only using Sierra Charts for informational purposes.

What all do I need to subscribe to in order to get started? Would I do Sierra Package #11, then add additional data feeds, if so, which add-on's are required? Just tell me what all I need and I'm placing my 6-month order!

Appreciate your guidance here.

[2021-10-29 14:06:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38327
In order to have the CME Group data and TPO profiles, you will need to be on Package 11.

But, you need to be aware of the CME Group requirement that you have a live, funded, futures trading account that can be verified at least once a month in order to qualify for the non-professional exchange fees. For more information, refer to the following:
Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available From Sierra Chart: Understanding and Accessing Data From the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX Exchanges

If you do not have a trading account that uses one of the services that we can connect to, then we recommend the following service:
Easy Solution to CME Funded Trading Account Requirement

Once the above is worked out, then you would follow the instructions at the following link to setup the Denali Exchange Data Feed for the CME Group data:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: *Setup Instructions: CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Exchanges*

In order to get the U.S. Equities data, you would need to use the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and activate the "U.S. Equities" exchange. You will find the information for this data feed along with the Setup Instructions at the following link:
Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-10-29 15:22:45]
User615736 - Posts: 2

For the CME group requirement of verification, I use Tastyworks, which appears to NOT be a supported trading platform.

So is this correct...looks like my best option would be to Open up and fund an AMP or Stage 5 account with the minimum $ amount in order to link Sierra to for the CME verification.

And the complete steps to get started is as follows:

1) Package 11 (includes Denali Data Feed) $46/mo (B4 discount)
2) Set up AMP/Stage 5 account and fund
3) Set up Denali Data Feed
4) Add on U.S. Equities data for $25/mo (for 250 real-time symbols)
5) anything else?
[2021-10-29 16:11:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38327
You have the information correct. Just be sure you go through all of the Setup Instructions for the Denali Exchange Data Feed here:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: *Setup Instructions: CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Exchanges*

And make sure you go through all of the Setup Instructions for the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed here:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-10-29 22:34:01]
NAKOT1 - Posts: 2

I have the same issue--I have Service Package 10, Denali feed is active, and my account is linked from Advantage/Stage5 Order Routing

Thanks in advance
[2021-10-31 16:03:07]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38327

When the market is open, we need your message log by following these instructions:

Follow the instructions here to clear the Message Log:
Message Log: Clearing the Message Log

Open a chart for the symbol you have an issue with. Tell us that symbol of the chart.

Disconnect from the data feed with "File >> Disconnect".

Connect to the data feed with "File >> Connect to Data Feed".

After the connection and after about 10 seconds, provide a copy of the Message Log following these instructions:

We will then determine what the problem is.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-11-01 14:02:14]
NAKOT1 - Posts: 2
Software version: 2323 64-bit | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Primary Thread ID: 2652 | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Usage end date: 2022-01-15 | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Enabled for exchange2: CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Enabled for exchange2: fairx_exchange.data | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Current selected Data/Trading service: SC CME Futures Order Routing | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 1 | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00) | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
2021-11-01 13:59:32 Local computer time in UTC | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
2021-11-01 13:59:32 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.384
2021-11-01 13:49:36 Server time in UTC | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 1 seconds. | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
Program path: C:\SierraChart\ | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\ | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
Locale Setting: C | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
DLLs: UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2021-11-01 13:59:32.385

File >> Disconnect selected. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.097
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.097
DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.098
DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3 | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.098
DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 235 | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.098
DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.098
SC Data - All Services | Waiting for socket receive thread to end | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.099
DTC Client socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.100
DTC Client socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.100
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.100
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Disconnected. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.100
DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.172
DTC Client socket (1) | Closed. | 2021-11-01 13:59:37.172

SC CME Futures Order Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading2.sierracharts.com. Port 11093 | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.205
DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2. | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.206
DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.206
DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.206
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Network connection to server complete. | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.278
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Starting socket receive thread. | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.278
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.278
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.507
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Sending logon request message. | 2021-11-01 13:59:40.507
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Received logon response. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=39676. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Trading is supported. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | OCO Orders supported. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Bracket Orders supported. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Connected to server complete. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2021-12-01 13:59:41 | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.044
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.045
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.045
Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2021-12-01 13:59:41 | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.120
Mapping ESZ21_FUT_CME to ESZ21. Service code: cme | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.230
SC Data - All Services | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESZ21_FUT_CME (ESZ21). ID: 1 Service code: cme | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.230
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server ds13.sierracharts.com. Port 10048 | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.231
SC Data - All Services | Requesting security definition data for: ESZ21_FUT_CME (ESZ21). ID: 1 | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.231
Added historical Intraday data request for ESZ21_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.231
Intraday data recording state for symbol ESZ21_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.231
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.231
Delaying start of download for ESZ21_FUT_CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.241
DTC Client socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.259
DTC Client socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.259
DTC Client socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.259
SC CME Futures Order Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESZ21_FUT_CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.302
SC Data - All Services | Network connection to server complete. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.308
SC Data - All Services | Starting socket receive thread. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.308
SC Data - All Services | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.308
SC Data - All Services | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.360
SC Data - All Services | Sending logon request message. | 2021-11-01 13:59:41.360
SC Data - All Services | Received logon response. | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.362
SC Data - All Services | Server Name: SC Realtime Server. | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.362
SC Data - All Services | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.362
SC Data - All Services | Successfully connected. | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.362
SC Data - All Services | Trading is not supported. | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.362
SC Data - All Services | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESZ21_FUT_CME -> ESZ21 | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.362
SC Data - All Services | Received security definition for symbol ESZ21_FUT_CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:42.485
HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESZ21_FUT_CME to the file ESZ21_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme | 2021-11-01 13:59:47.888
HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2021-11-01 13:59:38.000000. File last date-time: 2021-11-01 13:59:38.000000 | 2021-11-01 13:59:47.888
HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2021-11-01 13:59:47.888
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2021-11-01 13:59:47.888
Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-11-01 13:59:47.888
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-11-01 13:59:47.888
HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.079
HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.079
HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2021-11-01 13:59:38. Record interval: 1. Symbol: ESZ21 | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.626
HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.719
HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for ESZ21_FUT_CME starting at 2021-11-01 13:59:38.077000 | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.719
Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.720
Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.720
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.720
HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2021-11-01 13:59:38.077000 | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.720
HD Request # 5 | Received 7 Intraday data records from 2021-11-01 13:59:38.077000 to 2021-11-01 13:59:45.202000 (7.1 seconds) and wrote 7 records for ESZ21_FUT_CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.720
HD Request # 5 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2021-11-01 13:59:45.202000 | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
Added 4 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESZ21_FUT_CME after download. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for ESZ21_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 5 | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
Removing historical data download ID 5. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESZ21_FUT_CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESZ21_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2652 | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
Intraday chart data file opened for ESZ21_FUT_CME | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.721
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.811
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2021-11-01 13:59:48.812
ESZ21_FUT_CME[M] 30 Min #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-11-01 13:59:49.747
TPO Profile Chart | Service Package does not support this function or account is expired. Select 'Help >> Account Control Panel' for account management. | 2021-11-01 13:59:57.362 *
TPO Profile Chart | To restore the chart, remove this study. | 2021-11-01 13:59:57.362 *
ESZ21_FUT_CME[M] #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-11-01 13:59:57.746
TPO Profile Chart | Service Package does not support this function or account is expired. Select 'Help >> Account Control Panel' for account management. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.072 *
TPO Profile Chart | To restore the chart, remove this study. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.072 *
TPO Profile Chart | Service Package does not support this function or account is expired. Select 'Help >> Account Control Panel' for account management. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.249 *
TPO Profile Chart | To restore the chart, remove this study. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.249 *
TPO Profile Chart | Service Package does not support this function or account is expired. Select 'Help >> Account Control Panel' for account management. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.474 *
TPO Profile Chart | To restore the chart, remove this study. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.474 *
TPO Profile Chart | Service Package does not support this function or account is expired. Select 'Help >> Account Control Panel' for account management. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.752 *
TPO Profile Chart | To restore the chart, remove this study. | 2021-11-01 13:59:58.752 *

Symbol is: ESZ21_FUT_CME
[2021-11-01 14:26:11]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38327

The only issue we see with your account is that you are trying to get TPO profiles, but in order to do this you need to be on Package 11, whereas you are on package 10 now.

To change your Sierra Chart Service Package, select "Help >> Account Control Panel" on the Sierra Chart program menu. On the displayed webpage, click on the "Set Service Package for Renewal" link.

Or go to this page:

You will need to login if you are not currently logged in.

In the "Available Services >> Choose Usage Time Service Package" frame, select the Service Package that you want to set your account to. Press the "Set" button.

The remaining service usage time on your account will be adjusted based upon the cost of the package you are changing to. If the new package is a higher-priced package, then the usage time will be reduced due to the higher price.

There is no charge for changing your Sierra Chart service package. Only your Sierra Chart account usage time ending date is adjusted.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

To post a message in this thread, you need to log in with your Sierra Chart account:


Login Page - Create Account