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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 17:39:29 +0000

[User Discussion] - Problems with CROSSFROMABOVE/BELOW

View Count: 735

[2021-10-25 21:30:26]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
Can't for the life of me figure out what I'm missing here. This is being placed as the alert condition for a High/Low for Time Period Extended study.

    CROSSFROMABOVE(C,SG2 + ((SG1-SG2) * 0.10)),
    CROSSFROMBELOW(C,SG2 - ((SG1-SG2) * 0.10)),

The bottom two simple crosses work fine. The top 2 that reference the size of the range of this study (SG1 and SG2) do not. I can even strip it back to just a single criteria, and they don't alert at all.

What am I missing here?
[2021-10-25 23:47:38]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4173
I seems the CROSSFROMBELOW/CROSSFROMABOVE functions don't work with anything other than just the subgraph.

Try this:

AND(C[-1] > SG2[-1], C < SG2 + ((SG1-SG2) * 0.10)),
AND(C[-1] < SG2[-1], C > SG2 - ((SG1-SG2) * 0.10)),

[2021-10-26 00:55:10]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
I'm not entirely following. I can't be looking at the close of the previous bar, that won't be useful or meaningful to me. I just need to know when price *right now* crosses above or below the high/low of the initial balance (1st hour range), +/- 10% of that range. This can't be on close, has to be realtime. Is that not possible for some reason?

BTW this is on 30 minute bars.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-26 00:55:52
[2021-10-26 01:24:57]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
Actually looking at this again more closely I think I see what it's doing... just some sort of workaround by adding an additional qualification that will by definition be false, if the other is true. Right?

Lemme give it a shot and see what's what. Thanks.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-26 01:25:17
[2021-10-26 01:35:35]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
OK so that works for the top conditions, but now the simpler ones that worked before, don't. Just C crossing SG2. Which could just be CROSSOVER now that I think of it. But regardless that doesn't work either. No alert, I don't see an obvious reason why when it was working previously.
[2021-10-26 13:24:30]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4173
The CROSSFROMBELOW/CROSSFROMABOVE/CROSSOVER functions always compare the current bar to the previous bar(s).

OK so that works for the top conditions, but now the simpler ones that worked before, don't.
The Close never crosses the SG2 of the High/Low for Time Period Extended study because SG2 is always adjusting to the latest Low value.
So I don't know how the simpler ones ever worked either.
So it's superfluous to include a crossover of SG2 by the Close.

If you want an alert on a condition (that isn't compared to the previous bar) when the Close is inside an envelope band of SG2. try this:

C<SG2 + ((SG1-SG2) * 0.10),
C>SG2 - ((SG1-SG2) * 0.10))

To alert, and also view where this occurs, use the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition study, and include the ID# of the High/Low for Time Period Extended study:
C<ID1.SG2 + ((ID1.SG1-ID1.SG2) * 0.10),
C>ID1.SG2 - ((ID1.SG1-ID1.SG2) * 0.10))
where the High/Low for Time Period Extended study is ID1.
[2021-10-26 13:55:53]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 946
Thanks that's actually what I've already done and it seems to work but I need to spend more time with it. Didn't realize the CROSS studies *only* compare from bar to bar. Bummer as they seem so perfect for something like this. Appreciate the help.

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