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Using Spreadsheet Studies with Alerts

View Count: 1417

[2021-10-21 22:20:23]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
I have some general questions on this matter.

I already use 1 Spreadsheet Study on the chart to plot pivot lines using my own formulas, which are based on other Study/Price Overlay studies. This is the 1st task.

Now I want to create an advanced alert for the same chart, so I should use Spreadsheet System/Alert study. This is the 2nd task.

1. Can I get rid of my Spreadsheet Study and use only Spreadsheet System/Alert study for both tasks?

2. This section Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Creating a System or Alert says:

The formulas on the Spreadsheet should return either a 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE) value. A value of 1 or TRUE indicates the System/Alert formula condition has been met.

but then for columns K-N it says:

Although any value other than 0 is considered a TRUE condition

Which value in fact indicates a true condition? 1 or any nonzero value?

3. If I will use columns other than K-N in the Spreadsheet System/Alert study to plot pivots lines on the chart, the return values of the formulas will be nonzero for some rows, including the last bar in the chart. These values will be considered as true conditions too, which will create alerts?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-21 22:46:26
[2021-10-21 22:52:10]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341
1. Can I get rid of my Spreadsheet Study and use only Spreadsheet System/Alert study for both tasks?

Yes, you can do this. It is really a personal preference, but it would allow you to have a single spreadsheet using multiple sheets for the different charts.

2. Which value in fact indicates a true condition? 1 or any nonzero value?

Zero is false. Any other value is true (i.e. any nonzero value is true).

3. If I will use columns other than K-N in the Spreadsheet System/Alert study to plot pivots lines on the chart, the return values of the formulas will be nonzero for some rows, including the last bar in the chart. These values will be considered as true conditions too, which will create alerts?

Just do not set any alerts sounds on the Inputs for the Spreadsheet System/Alerts for those columns for which you do not want to be alerted, and vice versa. Refer to the following Inputs:
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[2021-10-21 23:13:11]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
Zero is false. Any other value is true (i.e. any nonzero value is true).

This applies to all K-Z columns (by default), correct?

Just do not set any alerts sounds on the Inputs for the Spreadsheet System/Alerts for those columns for which you do not want to be alerted, and vice versa. Refer to the following Inputs:

I've been looking for a setting to disable alerts in columns for Spreadsheet System/Alert study, but didn't find it.
The description for inputs you mentioned are placed here: Spreadsheet Study Inputs
But maybe it should be placed here instead: Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Spreadsheet Study Inputs that are Specific to Systems, Alerts, and Automated Trading
Spreadsheet Study doesn't have these inputs.
Also it's set to No Alert Sound by default (https://i.imgur.com/BMZp5i8.png) and Alert Disabled choice is not visible.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-22 16:00:16
[2021-10-22 15:15:05]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341
This applies to all K-Z columns (by default), correct?

Yes, that is correct.

Also it's set to No Alert Sound by default (https://i.imgur.com/BMZp5i8.png) and Alert Disabled choice is not visible.

You have to scroll up to see the "Alert Disabled", it is above the "No Alert Sound" entry.

Yes, that makes sense. We will try to get to that today.
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[2021-10-22 16:46:09]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
Also it looks like there is no more Support All Subgraphs input in spreadsheet studies: https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/SpreadsheetStudyInputs.html#SupportAllSubgraphs
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-22 16:46:52
[2021-10-22 17:02:00]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341
Thank you. We will remove that.
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[2021-10-23 12:31:27]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
I followed these instructions: Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Sound for Audible Alert and E-Mail Message Notifications

SC is disconnected from data feed, I have Signal Only on Bar Close set to Yes for N column, N4 cell returns 1, also I graph N column with Arrow Down, and it's visible on the chart in correct places. Alert Only Once per Bar is set to No.

Chart gives simple alerts, if I enable them e.g. for simple formula like =O[-1]>C[-1].

But there are no text message and audible sound for N column (N4 cell) from Spreadsheet System/Alert. What could be a reason for it?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-23 17:11:51
[2021-10-23 18:09:32]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
When both N3 and N4 cells return 1, there is an alert indication with Signal Only on Bar Close set to No for N column, alert text says 'N at row 3 is TRUE'.

But when I set Signal Only on Bar Close set to Yes for N column, there is no alert indication.

Is it not how it should be? Documentation says :

If there are no new bars added to the chart during a chart update, then only Sheet row 4 is checked for TRUE/FALSE values that are returned by formulas in the Spreadsheet signal columns (K-Z).

Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Spreadsheet Calculations and Spreadsheet Study Processing of Spreadsheet Data
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-24 12:37:35
[2021-10-25 10:25:16]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
With live market there was an alert indication after the last bar, for which corresponding column cell at row 3 was returning 1, closed.

But alert indication was given only once, with Signal Only on Bar Close set to Yes. Why SC doesn't give another alert indication after I e.g. do chart Reload and Recalculate?

If I understand it right, it should, as this paragraph says: Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Delayed TRUE Result from Formulas
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-25 10:25:44
[2021-10-25 15:52:10]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341
We are not fully following the exact setup that you have, but if you are not connected to the data feed and you have the option for Signal Only on Bar Close enabled, then we would not expect you to get any signals, as the current bar will "never" be closed. This is because there is not a new bar forming, which is what signals that the previous bar is now closed.
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[2021-10-25 16:29:50]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
What if I'm connected to data feed, like I said in post #9?

But either way, live or closed market, why Spreadsheet System/Alert can't give alert for the last closed bar, if corresponding cell at row 4 returns 1, without waiting for a close of last bar?
This will fully match the 1st sentence here: Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Signal Only on Bar Close

Moreover, this section Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Signal Only on Bar Close (Signal Only On Bar Close (Columns K, M) | Signal Only On Bar Close (Columns L, N-Z)) says:
You may want to set Strict Signal Only On Bar Close Evaluation to Yes, when you set one of these inputs to Yes.
But Spreadsheet System/Alert doesn't have this input.

The description of this input Spreadsheet Systems, Alerts and Automated Trading: Strict Signal Only On Bar Close Evaluation says:
When this Input is set to Yes, then only at the moment when a bar closes when one or more new bars are added to the chart, will an evaluation of your Spreadsheet formulas from the corresponding Spreadsheet columns (K, M, L, N-Z) be evaluated for TRUE conditions.

When this Input is set to Yes, row 4 will not be continuously monitored as usual, only exactly at the moment when a bar closes and the chart is updated.

Looks like this is how Spreadsheet System/Alert works now, like Strict Signal Only On Bar Close Evaluation is set to Yes permanently, while setting it to No could help to get an alert strictly based on result from cell in row 4 and only with Signal Only on Bar Close set to Yes.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-25 17:39:50
[2021-10-25 17:54:11]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341
When the option for Signal Only on Bar Close is enabled, then you will only get a signal when the next bar starts, which is when the second-to-last bar is officially closed. It sounds like this is occurring properly for you, as you are not getting a signal if there is not a new bar.

On the other hand, you would also need to have a way to reset your condition in order to get another signal once a signal has been received. Without a reset, the signal is True, and it has to go from False to True in order to signal. Therefore, you would want to also use the option for Reset Condition on New Bar in order to reset the condition after it has gone True on bar close.

If there is something that is not explained in the above for which you are seeing a difference in Sierra Chart, then let us know. Otherwise, this is the pertinent information that you need.
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[2021-10-25 18:09:36]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
Why you completely ignored my part about Strict Signal Only On Bar Close Evaluation input?

It sounds like this is occurring properly for you, as you are not getting a signal if there is not a new bar.

Yes, I'm not getting a signal until the last bar closes. But it doesn't sound properly neither on documentation side, no on plain logic side.

1. Re documentation, this is already said in the post #11, you skipped that part too:

If you have the Signal Only On Bar Close (Column K,M) Input set to Yes, then a TRUE signal will be ignored on cells K3 and M3, and only the cells K4 and M4 will be monitored for signals. Likewise with the Signal Only On Bar Close (Column L,N-Z) Input.

2. Re simple logic, why can't I receive alerts just for closed candles, like for the most recently closed candle only? Why not? I don't care what is happening with the last still opened candle and how long it will remain unclosed.

Simple example: I open daily chart for a new symbol. The last bar is just 1 hour old (so it's 23 hours remaining for it). I want to check now the last closed bar if it satisfies my condition and get an alert indication. And I can't? Why such restriction?
What if I open 30 daily charts at once and I want to see in the Alert Manager window which symbols meet my condition?

Looks like Strict Signal Only On Bar Close Evaluation input could help to achieve that. Where is it? Why Spreadsheet System/Alert study doesn't have this input?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-25 21:01:25
[2021-10-26 20:04:42]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
Of course there is a way to receive alerts for the last closed bar at any moment without waiting for the last bar to close, simply by using absolute reference to cells at row 4 in the column containing condition formula cell at row 3 with Signal Only on Bar Close set to No.

But that would also mean that each cell in the column containing condition formula will return the same TRUE or FALSE values, meaning that each bar on the chart either meets formula conditon at the same moment or not.

Do I get it right, that now there is no way to check all existing closed bars on the chart at any moment for condition until the last bar closes and receive an alert for the last closed bar, if condition formula returns TRUE for it?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-26 20:34:56
[2021-10-26 23:36:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38341
But that would also mean that each cell in the column containing condition formula will return the same TRUE or FALSE values

This depends on your formula and whether there is a dependency on values that are located at each bar. If you are not using Absolute References, then each row will return True or False based on the calculation using the data at the time of that bar.

Do I get it right, that now there is no way to check all existing closed bars on the chart at any moment for condition until the last bar closes and receive an alert for the last closed bar, if condition formula returns TRUE for it?

No, this is not true. As noted above, it depends on how your formula is setup.
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[2021-10-27 15:32:15]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
I don't see, how that is achievable.

If I want to receive an alert indication for the last closed bar at any time moment, like after I reloaded and recalculated chart, I need to set Signal Only on Bar Close to No and reference in cell at row 3 a cell at row 4, because row 3 gives alerts.

Is that correct?

In cell at row 3 I need to reference cell at row 4 either with relative or absolute reference.

1. With relative reference, e.g. =ID0.SG1@4=ID0.SG3@4 in cell at row 3, if draw style is any arrow for subgraph column, arrows will be drawn 1 bar earlier to the actual bar with TRUE result from condition formula, but there will be an alert indication from cell at row 3 for cell at row 4.

2. With absolute reference, e.g. =ID0.SG1@$4=ID0.SG3@$4, all cells in column with condition formula will have the same result, and each bar will have arrows, if the return result is TRUE, but then again there will be an alert indication from cell at row 3 for cell at row 4.

So both ways are only half efficient, they both will give an alert indication for the last closed bar, but they both won't allow to get the desired result from condition formula for the previous closed bars.

And this makes it impossible to get correct condition results for all closed bars and receieve an alert indication for the last closed bar at any moment, because the last bar has to close first. Am I wrong somewhere?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-10-30 16:58:59
[2021-10-30 17:05:21]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
When the acceptance will come with admitting there is something to improve from SC?

Or I was wrong and there is a way to mark all closed bars, which meet condition, with arrows and get an alert indication for the last closed bar at any moment without waiting for the last bar to close?
[2021-11-01 15:49:44]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-02 12:42:21]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-04 18:02:57]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-05 15:21:17]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-10 14:33:40]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-11 12:16:29]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-12 12:01:57]
Botan626 - Posts: 294
[2021-11-16 14:02:51]
Botan626 - Posts: 294

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