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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 18:23:16 +0000

Creating Control Bar Buttons which Select Drawing Tool and Drawing Tool Configuration

View Count: 2278

[2021-09-21 16:27:35]
Technical - Posts: 158
I am trying to set up a custom drawing button according to :

I don't have a "Set Custom Tool" button. Instead I see a "Set Custom Text..." button.

How to I set the drawing tool?

See image.
imagemissing tool setting.png / V - Attached On 2021-09-21 16:25:59 UTC - Size: 472.36 KB - 284 views
[2021-09-21 17:27:51]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38369
Close up the section for Tools - Custom Text Drawing and right below it you will have the section for Tools - Custom Tool Drawing. Select an item from that section.
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[2021-09-21 18:15:18]
Technical - Posts: 158
That was it - thank you.

Can I have a default text string in a custom config?
[2021-09-21 18:32:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38369
Only if the configuration allows for you to enter the text or if it has the option to use the Configuration Name as the text. Refer to the Labels entry in this section:
Chart Drawing Tools: Common Tool Configuration Settings and Chart Drawing Properties
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[2021-09-21 18:50:04]
Technical - Posts: 158

I am trying to mark levels and I used "extended rectangle" to represent a horizontal area on the chart extending to the right. I do not see any text label option for the extended rectangle. I realize I can add text retroactively however am I correct, there is no default label option on this tool?

Since this is tedious to do manually, is there a list of tools which do have an included or default text option? I would prefer to use a tool that has the option.

Thank you again.
[2021-09-22 13:54:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38369
You are correct, the Extended Rectangle does not have an option to have default text show up. It does have the ability to have the Price levels for the upper and lower boundaries show (Show Price Labels in the configuration).

We do not remember which tools have the option and which tools do not. You would just have to go through the Configurations to see if the option is there.
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[2021-11-24 07:14:56]
User676363 - Posts: 80
Would be nice if all the tools support this default text mode and also, it would be great if we can edit the text from the Manage Chart Drawings Window. That window has no button for "Modify Text", unfortunately. It has no way to search text either...

That being the case, to the best of your knowledge, how would you go through a series of objects quickly and edit the text for each of them?

Thank you

A possible workaround for some situations might be to use the Stationary Text with the Option of Link to Vertical Axis Scale activated. This tool will let you use the configuration slots to save various text strings and they will stay with your extended rectangles for as long as you need them. If you ever cut the rectangle with the cutting tool, you can copy the text to the rectangle and leave it for future reference and delete the stationary text.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-24 07:22:04
[2021-11-24 13:18:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will add support for default text for rectangles, and we will allow editing of text in the Manage Chart Drawings window.

We will try to have these done within two weeks.

Do you need default text for any other drawing tool?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-24 13:19:10
[2021-11-24 15:30:41]
Technical - Posts: 158
Yes, Extended Rectangles.

Thank you.
[2021-11-24 19:55:39]
User676363 - Posts: 80
Wow. That's great.

I notice that the following do not have the option to Copy Config Name To Text.

1 Rectangle
2 Extending Rectangle
3 Arrow (which has a cool option called prompt for text)
4 Text
5 Stationary Text
6 Ray
7 Extended Line

Visual Guide:
Config dialogs listed above: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lghnRsY=/?moveToWidget=3458764513878467325&cot=14
All tool dialogs: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lghnRsY=/?moveToWidget=3458764513878467755&cot=14
(Use mouse wheel to zoom and you can drag the board as if it were a sheet of paper with the mouse)

That's a lot of config dialogs to update.
If it's within the scope of the work, all I can say is, "Yes, please!"
If not, then perhaps sometime in the future. Having the extended rectangle work and the ability to modify text from the Manage Drawings menu will be excellent.
Seems all of these tools should have the same feature as the arrow to prompt for text because that really speeds up the workflow when annotating a chart but again, within the scope of work is more important. So leave it for later if it's not dead simple to add.

Thank you!
[2021-11-26 14:38:37]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will do a full review of this. Thank you for these details.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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[2021-12-07 10:23:12]
User21243 - Posts: 48
Thanks for adding the option for copying the config name as text to the extended rectangle.

I was going to do a post to request this, but then I came across this thread.

I have just updated to SC version 2333, and I see that the option to do this is now available, however it doesn't seem to be working correctly.

See attached pic.

imageSC1.png / V - Attached On 2021-12-07 10:20:49 UTC - Size: 55.4 KB - 212 views
[2021-12-07 14:13:09]
User676363 - Posts: 80
Good call on the extended rectangle. I agree, it appears to not work as expected.

I'm pleased to see the Edit Text on the Manage Drawings window, however. That already helps.

However, I noticed two things
1) the new Edit Text/Drawing Text dialog doesn't support multi-line text. -> why not consider using the same modify text window that is available in the the Customize Chart Drawing Menu: Modify Text
2) the text in the Text column shows up cut off and with interesting characters for the carriage return/line feeds. -> What would I do? Since the dialog expands as wide as I want, I would replace the cr/lf with a ↵ character perhaps.

Here's what I see:

Nothing too important so Thank you for adding this Edit Text button.
Hope the feedback is helpful.
[2021-12-16 23:17:53]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18651
Regarding post #12, this will be implemented in the next release.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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