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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 03:59:56 +0000

Login error message on new install

View Count: 488

[2021-09-14 14:26:15]
dRich - Posts: 5
I am attempting to get a clean install of SC. I installed using the latest version installer obtained from the sierrachart.com website. I have a previous installation in a different folder that allows me to successfully login.

I close the previous instance then attempt to login to the newer installation. It fails with the diagnostic that it is an incorrect id or password.

Please advise.
[2021-09-14 14:57:56]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
If you are able to login to one installation and not to the other, then the only explanation is that you are entering your Account Name or Password incorrectly in the installation that is not working properly.

If you feel you need to change your password to ensure you have it correct, then you can do so from this page:
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