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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 04:00:34 +0000

[User Discussion] - numbers bars study issue

View Count: 447

[2021-09-12 17:23:36]
User278398 - Posts: 291
there is an option to see other columns in this study which show me bid size and ask size (level2)?
if no, there is other option to see something like that on the graph ?
imagegfgfgfgfgf.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-09-12 17:23:30 UTC - Size: 260.14 KB - 162 views
[2021-09-12 22:09:35]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
To see the Market Depth data, you would use the Market Depth Historical Graph. Refer to the following:

We see that you are signed up for the U.S. Equities data from our Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and that the image you included was of a stock chart. Note that the Level 2 market depth data is NOT included with our U.S. Equities exchange on the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed.

Note that we are working on a new NASDAQ interface that will include the Level 2 data. This will hopefully be available towards the end of this year, but it is still in development.
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Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-09-13 06:21:06]
User278398 - Posts: 291
"Market Depth Historical Graph" this mean that is was in the past?
... i would like to see level2 real time (like i can see real time number bars study)
[2021-09-13 07:27:23]
User278398 - Posts: 291

"NASDAQ interface that will include the Level 2 data."/////nasdaq?!

there is stock u can give level2 right now? (nyse,etc)


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