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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:23:21 +0000
Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color
View Count: 1762
[2021-08-10 06:42:51] |
weav - Posts: 40 |
Hi I can't get this graphics setting to work. I have a DOM where "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Background Bid Trade" is red and "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Background Ask Trade" is green. But when the Cumulative Last Size continually trades into the same price and on the same side , i want the background to turn white - to highlight continual accumulation of last size at the same price on one side. That's what i assume the "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color" graphics setting is for but i can't get it to work. I have ticked "Enabled" on the setting. Is this a bug, or is my understanding incorrect? thanks |
[2021-08-10 13:42:53] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380 |
You have the correct understanding of how this works and how you should set it up. You state that you are changing the "Trade DOM..." options. First, are you doing this from the Global Graphics or from the Chart Graphics settings? In other words, are you selecting "Global Settings >> Graphics Settings" or are you on a Trade DOM and selecting "Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart"? Next, if you are changing this from the Global Settings, then are you actually looking at a Trade DOM to see the change? If you are looking at a Chart DOM, then you need to change the Graphics Settings that start with "Chart DOM...". Next, if you are changing this for a Trade DOM, then you need to check the setting for "Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart >> Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of these Settings". If it has a checkmark, then you need to make your changes in the Global Graphics Settings. If there is not a checkmark, then you need to make your changes in the Chart Graphics Settings. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-08-10 15:18:02] |
weav - Posts: 40 |
it's a Trade DOM. I tried what you suggested and still didn't get the result I want. However, the Trade DOM is from a chartbook given to me by someone else, i.e. imported and not my own. So I decided to try open a new fresh Trade DOM using the global graphics settings and now it works! Something odd about the one in the imported chartbook, maybe it has some old settings. all sorted. thanks for your help |
[2021-08-10 16:36:28] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380 |
The other Trade DOM should work. If you are changing the Global Graphics Settings and it is not working on that Trading DOM, then most likely that one is setup to use the Chart Graphics. On the Trading DOM go to "Chart >> Graphics Settings - Chart" and most likely the check for "Use Global Graphics Settings Instead of These Settings" will not be present, in which case you would need to make the changes within that window for that Trading DOM. Refer to the following for more information on this whole concept of Chart versus Global graphics: Graphics Settings: Using Different Color and Graphics Settings for Specific Charts For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-08-10 17:28:01] |
weav - Posts: 40 |
ok, more info. pls see attached chart : the left column (with white background cumulative last size) is Cumulative Last Size . This respects the "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color". The right column with last size is Current Traded Total Volume. I only had this column on my original imported DOM. This doesn't respect "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color". But it does respect "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Background Ask Trade" which i have set to green. Can Current Traded Total Volume column also use "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color"? |
[2021-08-10 17:47:53] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380 |
Can Current Traded Total Volume column also use "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color"?
No, it does not use those colors. We assume that you have the setting for Trade >> Chart DOM Settings >> Display Cumulative Last Size in Current Traded Total Volume set to Yes, in which case, we can see why you would be asking if those colors applied. We will see if this is something we can get to soon, but we can not make any promises. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-08-10 18:10:11] |
weav - Posts: 40 |
yes, I had Trade >> Chart DOM Settings >> Display Cumulative Last Size in Current Traded Total Volume set to Yes Would be great if you can look at it at some point. thanks |
[2022-01-07 23:19:40] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380 |
We have finally been able to get this change done. So the Cumulative Last Size coloring options will also apply to when the Cumulative Last Size is displayed in the Current Traded Total Volume column. This will be in the next pre-release (v 2342). When available, you can update using the Fast Update option: Software Download: Fast Update For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-08 07:59:31] |
weav - Posts: 40 |
Great! thanks for letting me know
[2022-01-09 12:57:13] |
User103448 - Posts: 76 |
Sorry for asking, but things are not 100% Clear to me. As i am not using "Cumulative Last Size is Displayed in the Current Trade Total Volume", im wondering why its not working for me. For my understanding, when setting & enabling "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color" to white, this should take effekt, when price is hitting the bid e.g. without bouncing back to a higher price. Otherwise colors from Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Background Bid & Ask Trade should be shown. I have added to a short clip to show the issue. Maybe i might be wrong with the understanding or with some other settings. |
Attachment Deleted. Attachment Deleted. |
[2022-01-10 12:51:26] |
weav - Posts: 40 |
Check that your DOM is using the graphics settings that you want, i.e. is it using local settings to the chart or is it using global graphics settings? one can override the other. If in doubt set them both up the way you want it to be. And make sure you click the Enable checkbox for "Trade DOM Cumulative Last Size Bid/Ask Trade Same Price and Side Background Color"
[2022-01-10 15:01:18] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380 |
What you are seeing is correct. You just have the Chart Update Interval set so low that you are not easily able to see the initial Bid/Ask coloring of Red/Green. This can still work for you, but you will want to set your Bid and Ask coloring to be different from each other (not both white).
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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