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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 15:57:33 +0000

Market Profile Letters and Session Times

View Count: 1775

[2021-07-02 00:34:19]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
I am using Market Profile using CQG data. I am referring to the ES using eastern standard times. I am using letters A through N from 09:30:00 through 16:15:00 (EST) closing time. At 16:30:00 the next letter that is printing is the letter A again even though i Have my evening session starting at 18:00:00 (EST). I dont understand why this is not printing the letter O but rather A (that is what i have under the settings)-- That the next letter be O. When the evening session starts at 18:00: 00 it is again starting with the letter A. Can you help explain this ?
[2021-07-02 14:45:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38230
It should not be doing what you are seeing. In general, the evening session would start with the next letter after the end of the day session as you are expecting.

Can you please get us a copy of that chart for us to look at, by following these instructions:
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[2021-07-02 19:38:07]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311

Dont know if i did this correctly in terms of uploading the file
Please let me know if you did not get the chart you need.
I had no problem up to the point of the upload. I uploaded the chartbook but was not sure how to attach it to this email.

here is also a screenshot

Thank you
Steven leon
Attachment Deleted.
attachmentSierra Question.Cht - Attached On 2021-07-02 19:25:42 UTC - Size: 9.58 KB - 513 views
imageSierra Support Issue.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-07-02 19:36:56 UTC - Size: 74.85 KB - 317 views
[2021-07-02 20:21:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38230
You have only 1 Evening Session TPO, and in the image you provided, it just happens to begin at A, due to the previous TPO using up the letters you have defined and wrapping around to using A's again. So it ended up just being a coincidence.
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[2021-07-02 20:58:17]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
i dont think thats the explanation because the evening session starts at 18:00:00 and the A prints start at 16:30:00. It should be O. My evening start is at 18:00:00
[2021-07-02 23:00:07]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38230
We will look into it a bit more, as it should have been a B, now that we think of it. But, look at the image you gave us, the letters go from A to N, then repeat. So your lettering must be set to only show A-N. Refer to the following:
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: TPO Letter Sequence
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[2021-07-02 23:20:18]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
No its not set A to N. I have it A to Z and then lower case letters and characters following that.

I was thinking that maybe the 16:30 to 17:00 EST session in the ES is being included as part of the Globe/ETH/overnight session instead of part of the RTH or Pit session regardless of what the chart settings times are set to ? Could that be it.

I know that the CME stopped the halt time between 16:15 and 16:30 this week. But this was happening before the change and should not affect it anyway.

I know I can play around with it and make changes by ending and starting session at different times. Just trying to understand why these settings are behaving this was under these parameters

Thank you very much for your help
Steven Leon
[2021-07-03 12:53:14]
Chris_uk - Posts: 89
I end my day session 1 second early to avoid what you are experiencing

[2021-07-05 19:20:32]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18584
You need to set the TPO Profile Chart study TPO Letter Sequence as follows:


You changed it from the default. So what you are seeing is based upon how you have it set.

Refer to:
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: TPO Letter Codes and Letter Customization
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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[2021-07-05 20:29:37]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
Thank you very much. I was looking at the TPO letters on the list i had set incorrectly. I was looking at the latter half of the TPO letters and I assumed that was the beginning of the letters. When I saw M, N, O etc ... it did not make sense but that was the second set of letters.
I simply cut and paste the sequence you sent into the box and change the session times to 17:00:00 EST closing and it is plotting "properly"; M, N, O
Again Thank you very much
Steven Leon
[2021-07-06 15:33:48]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38230
As Chris_UK pointed out, you need to ensure that your Session Times are not overlapping. You do not want your Day session ending at 17:00:00. It should be 16:59:59.
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[2021-07-07 23:18:25]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
Thank you again.
I made your suggested change.

So when the Evening session starts for ES at 18:00:00 EST it is starting with the letter R. I know it does not matter. Just curious how any of your profiles are set up just as a reference.

I guess if I wanted the evening period to start with the letter A I would have to make a change to the sequence of TPO letters ? Do you suggest doing that ?

Thank you
Steven Leon
[2021-07-08 13:37:14]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38230
I guess if I wanted the evening period to start with the letter A I would have to make a change to the sequence of TPO letters ?

Yes, this would be the only way to accomplish this. There is no method to force the letters to restart at the beginning of the Evening Session, even when they are displayed as separate profiles.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2021-07-11 01:32:30]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
Thank you again

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