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[Programming Help] - TCP/IP Server in custom study

View Count: 1851

[2021-05-31 19:18:27]
User438857 - Posts: 5
I want to create a TCP/IP Server in a custom study for changing informations with other c# applications.

This server should have access to SCStudyInterfaceRef object reference

For launch the TCP/Ip server I use a new thread created from SCSFExport scsf_GetDataDCOM(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) on (sc.SetDefaults) section.

The TCP/Ip server have this struct data as parameter:

typedef struct MyData {
SCStudyInterfaceRef ≻
int debug;

the code for thread creation is:

PMYDATA pDataArray;
DWORD dwThreadIdArray;
HANDLE hThreadArray;

pDataArray = (PMYDATA)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,

if (pDataArray != NULL)

sc.AddMessageToLog("starting thread", 1);
// ACSIL Programming Concepts: Passing ACSIL Interface Members Structure To Secondary Function

pDataArray->sc = sc;
pDataArray->debug = 1;

hThreadArray = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // use default stack size
initSocketServer, // thread function name
pDataArray, // argument to thread function
0, // use default creation flags
&dwThreadIdArray); // returns the thread identifier

if (hThreadArray == NULL)
sc.AddMessageToLog("Server thread error", 1);

sprintf_s(log_message, "Thread return : %d", hThreadArray);
sc.AddMessageToLog(log_message, 1);


The problem is I receive error at this line: pDataArray->sc = sc;

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: struct s_sc & __cdecl s_sc::operator=(struct s_sc const &)" (??4s_sc@@QEAAAEAU0@AEBU0@@Z)

Can you help me with some sugestions?

Thanks and best regards
[2021-06-02 07:36:39]
User310645 - Posts: 49
It will be something to do with the reference. Its c++ so MyData.sc needs to be initialised to something.
You could make it more c++ like

class Server {
Server(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc, int debug) : sc(sc), debug(debug) {}

void Start() {
hThreadArray = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security attributes
0, // use default stack size
startThread, // thread function name
(void*)this, // argument to thread function
0, // use default creation flags
&dwThreadIdArray); // returns the thread identifier

SCStudyInterfaceRef sc;
int debug;

HANDLE hThreadArray;
DWORD dwThreadIdArray;

static DWORD WINAPI startThread(void* param) {
Server* data = reinterpret_cast<Server*>(param);
return data->run();

DWORD run() {
// do thread stuff here
sc.AddMessageToLog("started thread", debug);
return 0;


Server TcpServer(sc, 1);

or if you wanted to keep it similar to what you have you could probably change the reference to a pointer

typedef s_sc* SCPtr;

typedef struct MyData {
SCPtr sc;
int debug;

pDataArray->sc = &sc

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-06-02 08:01:37
[2021-06-03 21:29:01]
User438857 - Posts: 5
Thanks a lot. I tried but the code block and SC crash. Is possible please to make a test.

Best regards
[2021-06-04 09:26:49]
User310645 - Posts: 49
I don't know which code block you tried or what the rest of the code looks like, but a couple of things;
1) SC makes several calls into your study so you need to make sure you initialise with the correct SCStudyInterfaceRef ie. outside of the sc.SetDefaults
2) You will need to manage any objects created yourself either in persistent pointers or static variables
3) There seems to be issues calling some study ref methods (ie. they get ignored) when the study itself isn't being called by the main SC loop. You will have to work out your own synchronisation for those.

I've attached a working study which simply creates a thread which logs the last price to a file every 5 seconds.HTH.
Compiled with VS Community 2019 16.8.6
attachmentThread.cpp - Attached On 2021-06-04 09:05:26 UTC - Size: 1.68 KB - 246 views
[2021-06-12 20:33:08]
User438857 - Posts: 5
Thanks a lot. it's works. best regards
[2021-06-13 19:47:44]
User438857 - Posts: 5
Thanks a lot for your support.

I have a new problem - from the new thread I didn t see subgraph data

int ex1=sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 0, VWAP_Reference);

this return 0 in new thread for study with ID=5

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot
[2021-06-13 22:11:21]
User310645 - Posts: 49
As I mentioned earlier in point 3), some methods simply don't work unless you call them at the same time that SC is calling into your study. If anyone knows how to get around this please let me know.

For your example you could get the SCFloatArray reference of the VWAP study and pass it into the Server class when you construct it rather than calling the GetStudy method from within the thread. (Make sure the custom study is below the vwap study in the chart study list so its initialised first).

Server* server = static_cast<Server*>(sc.GetPersistentPointer(1));

if (server == NULL) {
SCFloatArray VWAP_Reference;
sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 0, VWAP_Reference);

server = new Server(sc, 1, VWAP_Reference);
sc.SetPersistentPointer(1, server);

Whilst this should work for your immediate vwap issue, if you have lots of these or other reasons to call into the scinterfaceref it could become unworkable.

If you really must call a method on the sc object then you could create a sync point (std::condition_variable) and wait/notify when SC calls into your method although this is pretty pointless as your thread would be waiting you might as well just call it when the study function is called and/or block the main sc thread if you waited until you had finished whatever processing the thread did.

Other options could be to populate a data structure in the study function call and then let the thread access it in a producer/consumer kind of way.

Lastly, do you really need a background thread at all and could you get away with just pushing the data when it becomes available in the study function call?
[2021-06-21 19:31:31]
User438857 - Posts: 5

Thanks a lot.

I tried to parse pointers to Server class in first way;

if (server == NULL) {
    SCFloatArray VWAP_Reference;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 0, VWAP_Reference);

    SCFloatArray STD1_A_Reference;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 1, STD1_A_Reference);

    SCFloatArray STD1_B_Reference;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 2, STD1_B_Reference);


    SCFloatArray STD4_A_Reference;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 7, STD4_A_Reference);

    SCFloatArray STD4_B_Reference;
    sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(5, 8, STD4_B_Reference);

server = new Server(sc, 1,VWAP_Reference, STD1_A_Reference, STD1_B_Reference, STD4_A_Reference, STD4_B_Reference);
sc.SetPersistentPointer(1, server);


The single problem is sometime I receive bad values (0 or other out of range numbers) in arrays VWAP_Reference, STD1_A_Reference, STD1_B_Reference, STD4_A_Reference, STD4_B_Reference

Can you give me please a fix for these?

Thanks a lot and best regards
[2021-06-21 21:48:21]
norvik_ - Posts: 106
I have coded the this class for fast data exchange between SC and Python. It help easy get data from SC(ohlcv, any study subgraphs)
to external app written in any language which have a 0MQ port. Only offline data processing supported now. Hope, this help.

#pragma once

#include <cstdlib>
#include <chrono>
#include <utility>
#include <future>
#include <cstddef>

#include <zmqxx/zmq.hpp>
#include <zmqxx/zmq_addon.hpp>

using namespace std::chrono_literals;

#if (_WIN32 || _WIN64)
#if _WIN64
#pragma comment(lib,"zmq/lib/libzmq-v141-mt64-gd-4_3_5.lib")

#pragma warning(disable:4996)

enum class client_request : std::uint8_t
  studies_details = 0,

enum class error_code : std::size_t
  no_error = 0,
  unknown_request_type = 1,
  has_no_requested_data = 2,

struct array_shape
  std::size_t columns = 0, rows = 0;
  std::size_t length()const { return columns; }
  std::size_t heigth()const { return rows; }
  array_shape(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) : columns(x) , rows(y){}
  std::size_t size() const { return 2 * sizeof(std::size_t); }

using sc_array = std::vector<float>;
using sc_graph_data = std::vector<sc_array>;
using study_data = std::map<std::string, sc_graph_data>;

class server
  const std::size_t default_message_size = 0x0000001F;
  const std::size_t error_marker = 0x00000000;

  sc_array external_data;
  study_data chart_studies_data;
  std::condition_variable cv;
  std::mutex mx;
  bool ready = false;
  zmq::context_t context;
  zmq::socket_t socket;
  std::string zmq_endpoint;
  s_sc* p_interface = nullptr;
  std::future<void> job_done;
  std::atomic<bool> running = false;

  server() = default;
  virtual ~server() = default;
  server(server& other) = delete;
  server(server&& other) = delete;
  server operator=(server& other) = delete;
  server operator=(server&& other) = delete;

  static auto& instance() {
    static server s;
    return s;
  void run(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) {
    if (running.load() == true)
    context = zmq::context_t();
    socket = zmq::socket_t(context, zmq::socket_type::rep);
    p_interface = ≻

    job_done = std::async(std::launch::async, [this]() {async_proc(); });

  void terminate() {
    if (running) {

  void update_study_data(const std::string& name, const sc_graph_data& data) {
    const auto study = chart_studies_data.find(name);
    if(study == chart_studies_data.end())
      chart_studies_data[name] = data;

  //Need this for chart replay only.
  void apply_external_data(SCSubgraphRef subgraph ) {
    if (!external_data.empty()) {
      int index = p_interface->UpdateStartIndex;
      while (index < external_data.size()) {
        if (index >= subgraph.Data.GetArraySize()) break;
        subgraph.Data[index] = external_data[index];

  void notify() {
    if (!running) return;
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mx);
    ready = true;

  bool active() noexcept {
    return (running.load() == true);


  void set_endpoint() noexcept{
    zmq_endpoint = p_interface->Input[0].GetString();

  void wait() {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mx);
      cv.wait(lock, [this]() { return ready; });
    ready = false;

  void async_proc()  {
    while (running)  {
      zmq::message_t msg;
      zmq::recv_result_t result = socket.recv(msg, zmq::recv_flags::dontwait);

      if (result.has_value()) {
        socket.send(prosess_message(msg), zmq::send_flags::none);
  zmq::message_t prosess_message(const zmq::message_t& request)  {
    auto request_content = split_message(request);
    auto request_id = static_cast<client_request>(std::atoi(request_content.front().c_str()));
    zmq::message_t message;
    switch (request_id) {
      case client_request::base_data:  fill_base_data(message, request_content); break;
      case client_request::study_subgraps_data: {
        // Prevent futher actions untill all chart studies values will be in place;
        if (!chart_studies_data.empty()) {
          auto const study = chart_studies_data.find(request_content.front());

          if (study == chart_studies_data.end())
            fill_error(message, error_code::has_no_requested_data);
          else {
            fill_study_data(message, study->second);
        else fill_error(message, error_code::has_no_requested_data);
      }  break;
      case client_request::date_time_data: fill_date_time_data(message); break;
      case client_request::studies_details: {
      } break;
      case client_request::external_data_received: {
        fill_error(message, error_code::no_error);
      } break;
      default: fill_error(message, error_code::unknown_request_type); break;
    return message;

  std::list<std::string> split_message(const zmq::message_t& msg) {
    std::string str = msg.to_string();
    std::list<std::string> words;
    std::string word;
    int index = 0;

    while (index < str.size()) {
      if (str.at(index) == ';')  {
      else  word += str.at(index);

    if (!word.empty())
    return words;
  void fill_error(zmq::message_t& msg, const error_code& code)  {
    auto buffer = static_cast<std::byte*>(msg.data());
    memcpy(buffer, &error_marker, sizeof(std::size_t));
    memcpy(buffer + sizeof(std::size_t), &code, sizeof(std::size_t));

  void fill_array_shape(std::byte* buffer,  const array_shape& shape) {
    memcpy(buffer , (void*)(&shape.columns), sizeof shape.length());
    memcpy(buffer + sizeof shape.length(), (void*)(&shape.rows), sizeof shape.heigth());

  void fill_base_data(zmq::message_t& msg, const std::list<std::string>&indecies) {
    array_shape shape(p_interface->BaseData.GetAt(0).GetArraySize(), indecies.size());
    auto[size, buffer] = cook_buffer(shape, msg);
    std::size_t offset = shape.size();
    std::int32_t sc_index = 0;

    for (const auto& str_index : indecies) {
      std::int32_t index = std::atoi(str_index.c_str());
      memcpy_s(buffer + offset, size, reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(p_interface->BaseData[index].GetPointer()),
      offset += shape.length()*sizeof(float);
      size -= shape.length() * sizeof(float);

  void fill_date_time_data(zmq::message_t& msg) {
    std::size_t array_size = p_interface->BaseDateTimeIn.GetArraySize();
    std::size_t buffer_size = array_size * sizeof(std::time_t);
    auto buffer = static_cast<std::byte*>(msg.data());
    std::int32_t sc_index = 0;

    while (sc_index < array_size) {
      std::time_t timestamp = p_interface->BaseDateTimeIn[sc_index].ToUNIXTime();
      memcpy(buffer + sizeof(std::time_t)*sc_index,
        reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(×tamp),

  void fill_study_data(zmq::message_t& msg, const sc_graph_data& graph_data) {
    array_shape shape(graph_data[0].size(), graph_data.size());
    auto[size, buffer] = cook_buffer(shape, msg);
    std::size_t offset = shape.size();

    for (const auto& subgraph: graph_data) {
      memcpy_s(buffer + offset, size, reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(subgraph.data()),
        subgraph.size() * sizeof(float));
      offset += subgraph.size() * sizeof(float);
      size -= subgraph.size() * sizeof(float);

  void fill_studies_details(zmq::message_t& msg) {
    std::string details;
    for (const auto& name : chart_studies_data)
      details.append(name.first + ";");
    auto buffer = static_cast<std::byte*>(msg.data());
    memcpy_s(buffer, details.length(), reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(details.data()),

  void prosess_message_data(const std::list<std::string>& data) {
    for (const auto& element : data) {

  //Force all chart studies full recalculation;
  void compute_chart_studies() {
    ready = false;
    HWND handle = (HWND)p_interface->ChartWindowHandle;
    ::PostMessageA(handle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_CONTROL, 1);
    ::PostMessageA(handle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_INSERT, 1);
    ::PostMessageA(handle, WM_KEYUP, VK_INSERT, 1);
    ::PostMessageA(handle, WM_KEYUP, VK_CONTROL, 1);

  std::tuple<std::size_t,std::byte*> cook_buffer(const array_shape &shape, zmq::message_t& message)  {
    auto buffer_size = shape.size() + sizeof(float) * shape.length() * shape.heigth();
    auto buffer = static_cast<std::byte*>(message.data());
    fill_array_shape(buffer, shape);
    buffer_size -= shape.size();
    return std::make_tuple(buffer_size, buffer);

#include "C:/GreenChart/ACS_Source/sierrachart.h"
#include "sc_server.hpp"

#define MAX_POSSIBLE_STUDIES_ON_CHART 20 //user defined threshold, any reasonable value ..

std::int32_t NumberOfSubgraphsUsed(const SCGraphData& GraphData)
  std::int32_t SubgraphsUsed = 0, SubgraphIndex = 0, SubgraphSize = 0;
  while (SubgraphIndex < SC_SUBGRAPHS_AVAILABLE)
    if (((SubgraphSize = GraphData.GetAt(SubgraphIndex).GetArraySize()) > 0) &&
      (GraphData.GetAt(SubgraphIndex).GetPointer() != NULL))
  return SubgraphsUsed;

SCSFExport scsf_SC_zmq_test_server(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
  SCInputRef Endpoint = sc.Input[0];
  SCSubgraphRef ExternalData = sc.Subgraph[0];

  if (sc.SetDefaults)
    Endpoint.Name = "Server details";

    ExternalData.Name = "ExternalData";
    ExternalData.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_LINE;
    ExternalData.LineWidth = 3;
    ExternalData.PrimaryColor = COLOR_AZURE;
    sc.GraphRegion = 0;
    sc.AutoLoop = 0;
    sc.GraphName = "SC Server";
    sc.CalculationPrecedence = VERY_LOW_PREC_LEVEL;


  int& MenuID = sc.GetPersistentInt(1);
  int& SepMenuID = sc.GetPersistentInt(2);
  SCString& LastProsessedStudyName = sc.GetPersistentSCString(1);

  int ChartStudyID = 0;
  int ChartStudyNumber = 0;

  if (sc.Index == 0)
    if (MenuID <= 0)
      MenuID = sc.AddACSChartShortcutMenuItem(sc.ChartNumber, "Start Test Server");
      SepMenuID = sc.AddACSChartShortcutMenuSeparator(sc.ChartNumber);

    sc.PlaceACSChartShortcutMenuItemsAtTopOfMenu = true;

  if (sc.MenuEventID != 0)
    if (sc.MenuEventID == MenuID)

  if (sc.LastCallToFunction)
    sc.RemoveACSChartShortcutMenuItem(sc.ChartNumber, MenuID);
    sc.RemoveACSChartShortcutMenuItem(sc.ChartNumber, SepMenuID);

  if (sc.ChartIsDownloadingHistoricalData(sc.ChartNumber))

  if (!server::instance().active())

  if (!sc.IsFullRecalculation)

  if (sc.ReplayStatus == REPLAY_RUNNING)
  while (ChartStudyNumber < MAX_POSSIBLE_STUDIES_ON_CHART)
    if ((ChartStudyID = sc.GetStudyIDByIndex(sc.ChartNumber, ChartStudyNumber)) > 0)
      if (ChartStudyID == sc.GetStudyIDByName(sc.ChartNumber, sc.GraphName, 0))

      SCString StudyName = sc.GetStudyNameUsingID(ChartStudyID);

      if (StudyName == LastProsessedStudyName)

      SCGraphData CurrentStudyData;
      sc.GetStudyArraysFromChartUsingID(sc.ChartNumber, ChartStudyID, CurrentStudyData);
      int SubgraphsUsed = NumberOfSubgraphsUsed(CurrentStudyData);

      if (SubgraphsUsed > 0)
        sc_graph_data graph_data;
        int SubgraphIndex = 0;
        for (auto& subgraph_data : graph_data)
          SCFloatArrayRef Data = CurrentStudyData[SubgraphIndex];
          for (auto Index = 0; Index < Data.GetArraySize(); Index++)

        server::instance().update_study_data(StudyName.GetChars(), graph_data);
        LastProsessedStudyName = StudyName;


[2021-06-24 07:02:18]
User310645 - Posts: 49

This could be a race condition. Your thread can call back into the data arrays at any point before, during or after any of the study's calculation cycle. This is why I mentioned the sync point (that @norvik seems to use too).

In terms of what you could do right now (not knowing exactly what could be happening in your code) you could start by looking how are you getting the data by index. Are you using sc.Index each time? Has it changed during the execution? Can you make sure you are using the same index into each of the arrays? ie. I'm thinking sc.Index could have increased but one of the study's values for that index has not yet been calculated.

@norvik_ thanks for sharing
[2021-12-07 13:41:59]
ycomp - Posts: 277
Hello novrik, how do you configure Sierra to build a study that uses zeromq? I can't figure out how to include the headers so that the compiler can find them.
[2024-03-22 05:55:57]
Userdzungdo - Posts: 2
void run(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) {

if (running.load() == true)


context = zmq::context_t();

socket = zmq::socket_t(context, zmq::socket_type::rep);

p_interface = ≻





job_done = std::async(std::launch::async, [this]() {async_proc(); });


To Whom It May Concern
There are some mistake in this code, I guest because of HTML endcode.
We need to fix to make it run

p_interface = &sc;


void fill_date_time_data(zmq::message_t& msg) {

std::size_t array_size = p_interface->BaseDateTimeIn.GetArraySize();

std::size_t buffer_size = array_size * sizeof(std::time_t);


auto buffer = static_cast<std::byte*>(msg.data());

std::int32_t sc_index = 0;

while (sc_index < array_size) {

std::time_t timestamp = p_interface->BaseDateTimeIn[sc_index].ToUNIXTime();

memcpy(buffer + sizeof(std::time_t)*sc_index,

reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(×tamp),





reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(timestamp ),

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