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Date/Time: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:29:55 +0000

Change Chart to display market profile/VP and tick bars on same chart

View Count: 491

[2021-05-02 19:35:28]
maxm1987 - Posts: 119
Hi there,

I like to display on my chart the Market Profile and the Volume Profile for the past days along with a tick bar chart for the current day. For easier reference I included a picture from a Video how I would like it to look like.

I would appreciate any pointers how to set this up.
imageSC_Chart.JPG / V - Attached On 2021-05-02 19:34:59 UTC - Size: 92.28 KB - 201 views
[2021-05-02 21:31:24]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38172
To do the setup in the way you have it shown would require 2 charts. One that has the TPO and Volume profile and the other for the standard Bar Chart. You would just not have them maximized, but rather have them displayed next to each other within the main Sierra Chart window (or you can detach them and set them up on another monitor next to each other).

First, refer to the following for TPO charts:
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts

And note that you can add a Volume by Price study to the TPO charts where the VbP will be associated with the TPO and be the same time frames. Refer to the following:
Volume By Price Study: Based on TPO Chart

And finally, refer to the following with regards to manipulating windows within the Sierra Chart main window:
Window, CB and CW Menus: Tile Horizontally (Window)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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