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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:36:32 +0000

Trade Order Window: Hide Cancel All button

View Count: 1070

[2021-04-05 13:06:05]
rahul - Posts: 167
Hi Sierra Chart engineering team,

Please allow the feature to hide the "Cancel All" option in the header in the Trade Orders window. Instead of hitting "Cancel", I mistakenly hit "Cancel All", which removed all my targets and stops in all accounts. Also, can we get a confirmation dialog to confirm a "Cancel" or "Cancel All" in the Trade Orders window.
[2021-04-08 14:51:42]
rahul - Posts: 167
Its been 3 days and no response from Sierra Chart on this? You guys really need to add more people on your team.
[2021-04-12 21:25:21]
rahul - Posts: 167
Seriously Sierra Chart team, can I get a response to this please?
[2021-04-12 21:44:46]
mkaesz - Posts: 1
Enabling/Disabling Trade Window Order Buttons: Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Enabling/Disabling Trade Window Order Buttons

Order Confirmations: Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Main/C >> Menu >> Confirmations >> Confirm Cancel All (chart specific)
[2021-04-12 21:57:53]
rahul - Posts: 167
Thanks, its not the same thing.

Please click on Trade -> Trade Orders Window.

There you will see the following buttons "Edit, Orders, Window, [Cancel], [Cancel All], [Send Held]"

I want the ability to hide the [Cancel All] and [Send Held] buttons.
[2022-03-29 13:30:05]
User177741 - Posts: 48
Hiding buttons would be a great feature. I would second this.

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