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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 04:31:01 +0000

Transferring Global Graphics settings

View Count: 1672

[2021-03-26 21:07:39]
User664240 - Posts: 206
I attempted several times with no luck to transfer global graphics settings between sub instances using the below instructions. Also making sure to rename the originals if I had to revert and in all attempts nothing changed.

Basically I renamed sierra4.config to sierra4old.config and pasted a the new file. I also changed the extension on the old and that had no effect????

Sierra3.cfg (Sierra4.config as of version 2207) (Contains all of the global settings in Sierra Chart. This includes settings set through all of the configuration windows under the Global Settings menu including all of the Control Bar configurations. Chart specific settings, like the settings in Chart >> Chart Settings, are held in Chartbooks and not this file. Sierra3.cfg/Sierra4.config does not include Account related settings or Global Symbol Settings and can be safely shared with others.)
[2021-03-26 21:25:23]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38150
How are you determining that the transfer did not work?

It sounds like you may have Chart Specific Graphics Settings rather than global ones, so if you replace the Sierra4.config file, it will change the settings for the Global Graphics, but the charts would not update. Refer to the following:
Graphics Settings: Using Different Color and Graphics Settings for Specific Charts

And be sure you actually look at the items in Global Settings >> Graphics Settings to see if they have changed.
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[2021-03-26 22:02:23]
User664240 - Posts: 206
I could not take a screen shot of the global graphics setting menu with it dropped down to demonstrate it is the same menu and not the transferred menu and as for your other suggestions the "use global graphics setting is checked in all instances but all of this is moot as the CB buttons and coloring are not affected by these options see below.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-26 22:03:53
imageice_screenshot_20210326-180020.png / V - Attached On 2021-03-26 22:00:55 UTC - Size: 133.36 KB - 315 views
imageice_screenshot_20210326-180001.png / V - Attached On 2021-03-26 22:01:06 UTC - Size: 100.96 KB - 224 views
[2021-03-26 22:37:59]
User664240 - Posts: 206
I realize that I explained this poorly. What I meant is the CB and CB buttons and all the other menu items are not effected by specific chart settings only the Global and the drop down menu for global settings is not from the transferred instance.
[2021-03-26 22:49:58]
User664240 - Posts: 206
All is working ..My mistake

exit SC-restart SC

instead of
exit SC
restart SC
which begets the question why win 7 did not notify me "I can't transfer an OPEN file??" does SC over ride these fail safes??
[2021-03-29 13:59:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38150
No, SC does not somehow override the ability to copy a file. We can not say why Windows did not give you the expected message.
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