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Date/Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 07:38:15 +0000

Use of s_UseTool::FontSize with drawing types different than DrawingType::DRAWING_TEXT

View Count: 541

[2021-03-02 07:11:30]
BrMa - Posts: 80
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I'm using ACSIL to draw types of DrawingType::DRAWING_HORIZONTAL_RAY and DrawingType::DRAWING_VERTICALLINE. I am already using s_UseTool::Text to print additional information for these types of drawings...
I'd like to change the font size the additional information is displayed with but s_UseTool::FontSize seems to work with DrawingType::DRAWING_TEXT only... would it be possible to adapt the drawing functionality in a way that UseTool::FontSize can be used with other drawing-types as well?

Thanks a lot in advance!

EDIT: further testing showed that s_UseTool::FontSize and s_UseTool::FontBold works fine with DrawingType::DRAWING_VERTICALLINE but not with DrawingType::DRAWING_HORIZONTAL_RAY - could you please take a look into this if this can be implemented there as well?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-02 17:01:58

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