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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:09:23 +0000

Footprint Chart settings

View Count: 16000

[2021-02-18 11:05:34]
User554446 - Posts: 29
Hi, How can I set Sierra to display the footprint like this screenshot to see the imbalances> Thank you so much.

Best Regards
Private File
Private File
Private File
[2021-02-18 15:42:48]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
The only thing we can see from those images is that the setup has the following Inputs:
- Column # Numbers Bars Text: Bid Vol x Ask Vol
- Numbers Separator Character: Four Spaces

Refer to the following for information on the Numbers Bars study:
Numbers Bars
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2021-02-18 18:04:06]
User554446 - Posts: 29
Thank you.how can I color the green and red box based on major order placed and leave gray the other ones? Thank you
[2021-02-18 19:17:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
That is going to be dependent on your settings for these items:
- Column # Background Type
- Column # Background Coloring Method
- Column # Range # Up Color
- Column # Range # Down Color
- Column # Percent Compare Thresholds or Column # Actual Volume Compare Thresholds (depending on what Background Coloring Method is chosen)

The Numbers Bars study has a lot of options and various ways to color and display the data. It is not possible for us to look at an image and know all the possible combinations that went into making it. You will have to do the work of determining what you want to see and how to set it up. All of the information is in our documentation here:
Numbers Bars
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-02-22 21:48:43]
User554446 - Posts: 29
Thank you for the info. Another couple of question.
1. How is possible on the Numberbars change the color of the ASK and BID Text? I tryed but it stay white ignoring global text color settings
2. How is possible to display the unit of measure onthe volume (instead of 1000 use 1k and instead of 1.000.000 use 1M)?
3. How is possible to display the candlestick between the ask and bid price instead of on the left and visualize also the wick like in the picture I attached on the first message?

Thank you so much.

Best Regards

[2021-02-22 22:24:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
1. The text coloring is controlled by the Column # Text Coloring Method. Refer to the following:
Numbers Bars: Column # Text Coloring Method

2. Refer to the following:
Numbers Bars: Use Large Volume Number Formatting

3. You need to use the Study/Price Overlay and overlay the Main Price Graph from the same chart (make sure it is set to Candlestick). Then you can adjust the width of the candlestick using the Chart Specific Graphics Settings. Refer to the following:
Study/Price Overlay Study

and the following:
Graphics Settings: Chart Bar Widths
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-02-23 00:46:15]
User554446 - Posts: 29
Thank you! Last question I have: Everytime I change the chart I have to reload the Study Price Overaly since it save the symbol I used when I saved the study layout. There is a way to load automaticaly the chart overlay on the same symbol I open without doing it Manually?

[2021-02-23 14:59:24]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
We are not quite understanding the steps you are taking. Please give us some additional detail so we can better understand what you are doing (for example, are you using a Study Collection? How are you changing the Chart?).
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-02-23 15:33:52]
User554446 - Posts: 29
Apologize. Yes I am using study collection. When I use "find a symbol" in order to open a second symbol the system load on the second chart the correct Number Bar study but not the correct overlay study since it load the overlay of the first stock I opened. Moreover Everytime I have to set the chart settings to candlestick since the system doesn't hold on memory my last general settings.

I have also another question" I set on the backgound color method and text method base on ASKVol BidVol Diagonal difference percentage of Bar Range. Which is the settings that I can use to change the delta between the diagonal bid and ask for the coloring?

Thank you so much!
[2021-02-23 17:00:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
What you are seeing with the Study Collection is the way it functions. There is no way for the program to know what chart you want to overlay from, so it uses the chart number that was in use when the Study Collection was saved. You will have to update that manually each time.

Which is the settings that I can use to change the delta between the diagonal bid and ask for the coloring?

To change which color is used at which time you need to use the Column # Percent Compare Thresholds. Refer to the information here:
Numbers Bars: Column # Percent Compare Thresholds

Also refer to the information on how the particular coloring you are using is calculated so you know how to set the percentages. In this particular case, the information can be found here:
Numbers Bars: Background Coloring Based on AskVol BidVol Diagonal Difference Percentage of Bar Range
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-02-23 19:34:24]
User554446 - Posts: 29
Ok. But Can I have multiple different charts with all different overlay (each overlay corresponding to the ticker of the Number bars)? Everytime I try to load two tickers I am not able to set the with different overaly.

Thank you
[2021-02-23 20:18:05]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
Sorry, we are not understanding exactly what you want to do in terms of the overlay. Can you give us an explanation of what you are trying to accomplish so we can understand this better.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2023-09-06 18:58:42]
Ali Al salehi - Posts: 1
Can I use Vwap and the Footprint For the FXCM Euro/USD market if yes what would be the setting to set it up or will it be done automatically?
[2023-09-07 12:54:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34457
Yes, you can use VWAP and Numbers Bars (Footprints) with the Cash Forex data we have. Refer to the information for the following studies:
Numbers Bars

Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) with Standard Deviation Lines
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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