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Date/Time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:26:57 +0000

DTC SERVER SymbolsForExchangeRequest

View Count: 438

[2021-01-31 16:28:46]
User700756 - Posts: 16
I'm working on a DTC client application. I want to get the symbols for "SECURITY_TYPE_FUTURES" by sending SymbolsForExchangeRequest.

When I send SymbolsForExhangeRequest and specify SECURITY_TYPE_FUTURES and the exchange I get a default(all fields unset) securitydefinitionresponse back.
everything seems to work for SECURITY_TYPE_FOREX or other security types.

I have the SC Data - All Services Service Package 3 also I do not have a trading account.

I can query the symbol I want directly by using MarketDataRequest and setting the symbol to "MESH21" for instance.

Not sure if I have the right service package and data feed as other security types seem to be working except FUTURES.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

//! loop through exhangelist and request symbols for each exchange....
              for (const auto& exchange : exchangeList)
                s_SymbolsForExchangeRequest* o_SymbolsForExchangeRequest = new s_SymbolsForExchangeRequest ();
                o_SymbolsForExchangeRequest->RequestID = symbolRequestID;
                symbolRequestID ++;
                o_SymbolsForExchangeRequest->SetExchange (exchange.c_str());
                o_SymbolsForExchangeRequest->SecurityType = DTC::SECURITY_TYPE_FUTURES;
                encodeSend (o_SymbolsForExchangeRequest, sock[DATASOCKET].getSocket (), sizeof (s_SymbolsForExchangeRequest));

                delete o_SymbolsForExchangeRequest;

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