Support Board
Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 19:12:51 +0000
Realtime data for stocks
View Count: 2615
[2020-12-22 20:24:45] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, With the Sierra platform, is it possible to have Realtime data on stocks? Regards, A |
[2020-12-22 20:35:46] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
Yes, you can use Sierra Chart with stocks. We offer the U.S. Equities data as part of the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed. Refer to the information here: Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-09-22 19:04:35] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, I'd like to subscribe to Sierra Chart again but for realtime US stocks this time. How do I proceed to get the US stocks in realtime? Also, what is your new version of the software? I just bought a new computer so I will need to get the new version. Regards, Alexandre |
[2021-09-22 19:51:19] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, This is a test. Did you get my last message? Regards, Alexandre |
[2021-09-22 23:42:58] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
Yes, we see your messages. As noted above, in order to get the US Stock data, you would need to setup the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and activate the "U.S. Equities" exchange. You will find the Setup Instructions here: ---------- In terms of our software versions, you can always find the Current Version and the Pre-Release Version listed on the front-page of our website on the right-hand side. Select the following link to go to that page: As of this writing, the versions are: - Current Version: 2310 - Pre-Release Version: 2312 When you install the software, you will automatically get the latest release. To download the installation software, select the following link: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-09-22 23:45:21
[2021-10-01 13:14:00] |
User154015 - Posts: 7 |
Hello, I am currently using Denali feed for real time futures data. I also want the real time stocks data in addition to real time futures data. Is that possible? Please share some guidance. |
[2021-10-01 14:50:31] |
In order to get the US Stock data, you would need to setup the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and activate the "U.S. Equities" exchange. You will find the Setup Instructions here: This data feed is 25 USD per month +10.50 USD for the exchange fee. We are also going to be releasing a new NASDAQ US stock data feed we expect in November, which will just have an additional cost of 16 USD for the exchange fee. No other costs for data if you are using the Denali Exchange Data Feed already. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-11-24 19:19:18] |
User154015 - Posts: 7 |
Hey Sierra team, Any update on the new NASDAW US Stock data feed? What's the ETA? Thank you |
[2021-11-25 02:43:24] |
We cannot give an estimate. We are still working on acquiring the data feed.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2021-12-21 03:31:21] |
User154015 - Posts: 7 |
Hey folks, Any new updates on the NASDAQ US Stock data feed? Thank you!! |
[2021-12-21 14:32:23] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
Any news will be shared in the following post: Upcoming Data Feed Plans 2, New Exchange For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-05 21:04:02] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, Alright, I'm trying to get US realtime 250 stock data but I have a hard time doing so through this link. Could you please help me with the process every step of the way? Regards, A |
[2022-01-05 21:43:44] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
@User822445 (WRT Post #12): The Sierra Chart account from which you have posted is expired. If this is the account that you want to use to get U.S. Equities data, then you will first need to activate your account. To do this, follow these instructions: Sierra Chart Purchase and License Information: Instructions If you have a different account, then please login to the Sierra Chart website using that account (selecting Help >> Support Board from within the Sierra Chart software is the easiest way) and repost in this thread letting us know that you have logged in with a different account and that you still need help with getting the data. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-06 15:55:57] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Yes I'd like to use this expired account but it used to be my account to trade emini futures. Will it work for U.S. Equities stocks If I fund this account? Thanks a lot for your patience. A |
[2022-01-06 17:34:07] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
You can use the same account for whatever you need. Just enable a package by following these instructions: Sierra Chart Purchase and License Information: Instructions And then to get the U.S. Stocks data you will need to use the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and enable the U.S. Equities exchange. Refer to the information on the following page - including Setup Instructions: Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed If you are going to use this account to trade Futures and Stocks and they are through different brokers, then we recommend having 2 installations of Sierra Chart, where each one is connected to a specific broker. Refer to the instructions here: Using Multiple Data and Trading Services at the Same Time: Step-By-Step Instructions to Install Multiple Copies of Sierra Chart For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-16 23:10:41] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, I just paid an amount of $69.00 USD on my balance which makes my overall balance up to $70.20. However, when I try to activate the exchange data feed features page, they ask me to pay another $13.00 USD for all required services. Is it because you haven't received my payment yet? Again, I used to subscribe to the YM, NQ, ES and RTY emini futures but now I ONLY want to subscribe to U.S. equities. I don't want to pay for emini futures anymore. Thanks for your patience, Regards, A |
[2022-01-16 23:19:59] |
The payment you made was for 93 days of usage time: [Services Balance] | Services Balance adjustment to set Service Package to the '3 - Standard' option with the End Date of 2022-04-19. SYSTEM 93 days 3 -70.20 USD
If you can wait about 15 more days, we will have a new full order book NASDAQ data feed available for you to use for just 10 USD per month, service package 10. Plus the exchange fee which will be free for February. Otherwise, you need to use a Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed which will be 13 USD per month additional this month. Plus the exchange fee of 10.50. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-16 23:20:14
[2022-01-16 23:35:23] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, Thanks for the quick reply. Usage time, I don't understand? So as we speak, what's the TOTAL monthly fees to subscribe to u.s. equities realtime data exchange? It should be less than $70.00 which I have in my balance account. Am I still subscribed to emini futures right now? If so, I want to deactivate this data feed. Regards, A |
[2022-01-17 14:48:48] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
"Usage Time" is the time you have paid for to use the Sierra Chart software. This is separate from anything you would pay for real-time data. As of this moment, the real-time U.S. Stock data is part of our Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed. The total cost to get the data would be $35.50 per month ($25.00 for the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed itself and $10.50 for the U.S. Equities exchange). If you were to activate the exchange this month, the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed fee is pro-rated, so you would not pay the full amount for the remainder month - note that this is not the case for the exchange fee, which is not pro-rated and you do need to pay the full amount for remainder of the month. But, we will be releasing - in about 2 weeks - our new NASDAQ feed which will be part of our Denali Exchange Data Feed. We do not have the exchange pricing for this yet. We recommend waiting for this data feed to become available rather than having to switch over when get it operational. Right now, you are not getting any real-time data from us (including the e-mini). For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-24 06:05:37
[2022-01-17 17:59:54] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, Sorry! I still don't understand why I can't get real-time data after a $70.00 payment. I used to get e-mini futures real-time data for three months with a $70.00 payment. Now, you're saying that I need another payment on top of that in order to get real-time data for US equities. How come it's so different between e-mini futures and US equities? I don't want to "bug" you I just want to understand. Alright, I can wait another two weeks but will I get ALL US equities data feed with your new NASQDAQ feed? Regards, A |
[2022-01-17 19:26:35] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
You can get the U.S. Equities for $35.50 per month right now (actually a little less than that since the data feed fee will be pro-rated for the month). So if you wanted to do this right away, you can do it by following these instructions: But, you do not currently have any funds in your account, as you just renewed package 3 for 3 months at a price of $70.20 on January 16, 2022. Therefore, you would need to add enough funds to cover the cost of the data feed and exchange fees prior to activating them. The reason why the data feeds pricing is different is simply because they are very different data feeds. Yes, you will have all the U.S. Equities data with the new exchange option. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-31 19:31:18] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, Since your new Nasdaq data feed is coming tomorrow, how much money do I need to put in my account in order to get real time US equities data? Also, at what time eastern NY time, will I be able to subscribe to the new Nasdaq data feed? Regards, A |
[2022-02-01 13:44:48] |
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18732 |
You do not need to put any additional funds in your account but you do need to change the service package to 10: ---- To change your Sierra Chart Service Package, select "Help >> Account Control Panel" on the Sierra Chart program menu. On the displayed webpage, click on the "Set Service Package for Renewal" link. Or go to this page: You will need to login if you are not currently logged in. In the "Available Services >> Choose Usage Time Service Package" frame, select the Service Package that you want to set your account to. Press the "Set" button. The remaining service usage time on your account will be adjusted based upon the cost of the package you are changing to. If the new package is a higher-priced package, then the usage time will be reduced due to the higher price. There is no charge for changing your Sierra Chart service package. Only your Sierra Chart account usage time ending date is adjusted. When changing between Sierra Chart Service Packages, the usage time ending date on your Sierra Chart account is adjusted based upon the price differences between the package you are changing from and the package you are changing to. When changing to a higher priced package, your usage time ending date will be brought back closer in time. When changing to a lower-priced package, your usage time ending date will be brought forward further out in time. ---- Documentation to use the new NASDAQ data feed: How to Use New NASDAQ Total View Data Feed Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 13:45:11
[2022-02-01 17:23:16] |
User822445 - Posts: 75 |
Hello there, I've changed my service package to 10 and completed the documentation to use the new NASDAQ data feed. Then restart the platform and opened stock symbol ''X''. Still don't have real time data on ''X''. I don't even have a delay. The bars doesn't plot. What could I do next? Thanks, A |
[2022-02-01 17:42:59] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547 |
You need to enter your symbols as ?-NQTV. So for X, you would need to enter X-NQTV to get the data for the new NASDAQ feed.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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