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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 14:07:44 +0000

Trade activity log (Statistics Tab) safe as excel file

View Count: 1187

[2020-12-05 22:28:57]
ManuelGraf - Posts: 16

I spent my day trying to safe my trading account statistics as an excel file.
Nothing worked. The following article which support team reffers to is not working.
Trade Activity Log: Importing and Exporting Data

To clarify: I can export data from most of the tabs in the trade activity Log, but for the tabs statistics and Chart stats its just not possible. The function for export data is grayed out permanently.

Please help withouth sending me some link which doesnt help.
Thank you :)

I attached a picture to show you what Im talking about.
Attachment Deleted.
imageTrade activity log.PNG / V - Attached On 2020-12-05 22:28:44 UTC - Size: 56.85 KB - 390 views
[2020-12-06 02:14:06]
User69420 - Posts: 4
for the statistics tab, Edit > Copy All, open blank excel file, paste, separated by tab

kinda hackish but it works

for the charts stats tab, no idea
[2020-12-06 02:29:04]
ManuelGraf - Posts: 16
Thank you! Safed my weekend 😂
@sierrachartsupport can you add an easy function to directly safe Statistics as an Excel sheet? Would be really nice
[2020-12-06 19:43:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
To save the data from the Trade Statistics tab follow the instructions here:
Trade Activity Log: Saving to a Text File

This is an example of what you will get:
Trade Statistics  First Fill  Last Fill  Daily Date
[Sim]All Symbols  2020-12-03 14:36:06  2020-12-03 14:36:16  2020-12-03
All Accounts
Currency Value (C)
  All Trades  Long Trades  Short Trades  Daily Trades
Closed Trades Profit/Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Closed Trades Total Profit  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Closed Trades Total Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Profit Factor  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

Equity Peak  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Equity Valley  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Maximum Runup  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Maximum Drawdown  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Maximum FlatToFlat Trade Open Profit  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Maximum FlatToFlat Trade Open Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Average Trade Open Profit  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average Trade Open Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Average Winning Trade Open Profit  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average Winning Trade Open Loss  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average Losing Trade Open Profit  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average Losing Trade Open Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Maximum Trade Open Profit  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Maximum Trade Open Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Highest Price During Positions  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
Lowest Price During Positions  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
Total Commissions  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

Total Trades  1  1  0  1
Total FlatToFlat Trades  1  1  0  1
Total Filled Quantity  100  100  0  100
Percent Profitable  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%
FlatToFlat Percent Profitable  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%
Winning Trades  0  0  0  0
Winning FlatToFlat Trades  0  0  0  0
Losing Trades  1  1  0  1
Losing FlatToFlat Trades  1  1  0  1
Long Trades  1  1  0  1
Long FlatToFlat Trades  1  1  0  1
Short Trades  0  0  0  0
Short FlatToFlat Trades  0  0  0  0

Average Trade Profit/Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Average FlatToFlat Trade Profit/Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Average Winning Trade  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average FlatToFlat Winning Trade  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average Losing Trade  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Average FlatToFlat Losing Trade  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Average Profit Factor  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Average FlatToFlat Profit Factor  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

Largest Winning Trade  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Largest FlatToFlat Winning Trade  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Largest Losing Trade  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Largest FlatToFlat Losing Trade  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Largest Winner % of Profit  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%
Largest FlatToFlat Winner % of Profit  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%
Largest Loser % of Loss  100.00%  100.00%  0.00%  100.00%
Largest FlatToFlat Loser % of Loss  100.00%  100.00%  0.00%  100.00%

Max Consecutive Winners  0  0  0  0
Max Consecutive Losers  1  1  0  1

Average Time In Trades  0:10  0:10  0:00  0:10
Average Time In Winning Trades  0:00  0:00  0:00  0:00
Average Time In Losing Trades  0:10  0:10  0:00  0:10
Longest Held Winning Trade  0:00  0:00  0:00  0:00
Longest Held Losing Trade  0:10  0:10  0:00  0:10

Total Quantity  50  50  0  50
Winning Quantity  0  0  0  0
Losing Quantity  50  50  0  50

Avg Quantity Per Trade  50.00  50.00  0.00  50.00
Avg Quantity Per FlatToFlat Trade  50.00  50.00  0.00  50.00
Avg Quantity Per Winning Trade  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Avg Quantity Per FlatToFlat Winning Trade  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00
Avg Quantity Per Losing Trade  50.00  50.00  0.00  50.00
Avg Quantity Per FlatToFlat Losing Trade  50.00  50.00  0.00  50.00
Largest Trade Quantity  50  50  0  50
Largest FlatToFlat Trade Quantity  50  50  0  50
Maximum Open Position Quantity  50  50  0  50

Last Trade Profit / Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Last FlatToFlat Trade Profit / Loss  -5.00  -5.00  0.00  -5.00
Expectancy  -5.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

Number of Open Trades  0
Open Trades: Open Quantity  0
Open Trades: Average Entry Price  0.0

This is a file which contains tab separated values and can be open in any spreadsheet program.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-12-06 19:47:15
[2020-12-06 20:32:48]
ManuelGraf - Posts: 16
Thank you 👍🏼

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