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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:20:34 +0000

send alert/message to external application when order is place..

View Count: 813

[2020-11-09 16:00:49]
I am AMP Futre customer and using SierraChart. I want to know is it possible to send an alert/message to my application when I place an order to buy or sell any equity/future.

May be, send a message via socket or DDE or some other means.

Please let me know, and if you have any example, that will be very useful.

[2020-11-09 18:02:01]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37912
First you would need to setup an Alert to send the message as you would like. There is the ability to send an email, send an SMS message, or run a program when the Alert is triggered. Refer to the information here:

Second, you can setup alerts associated with your trading by setting them on the General Trade Settings page. Refer to the information for Notifications in this section:
Global Trade Settings Windows: General Trade Settings
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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