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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:20:23 +0000

Copying a particular chart drawing to another chart

View Count: 2190

[2020-07-03 15:21:21]
vish100 - Posts: 111

Is there a way to copy a particular chart drawing from one chart to another in the same chart book?

I know you can have all the chart drawings automatically copied to another chart. However I am looking to copy only selective drawings.

Thanks in advance
[2020-07-06 03:57:00]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What you need to do in this case is to use the option to Copy Chart Drawings first. Refer to the information here:
Chart Settings: Copy Chart Drawings from Chart #'s (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Chart Drawings menu)

Then you would have to specify the drawings that you do NOT want to have copied by following the information here:
Chart Drawing Tools: Preventing Chart Drawing from Being Copied to Other Chart
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[2020-07-06 04:56:19]
vish100 - Posts: 111
I know this way to do it. BUT I want to copy particular chart drawing in one step only, NOT in this long round about way.

If its not possible can you pls include it in your product roadmap?
[2021-12-11 17:35:27]
User676363 - Posts: 80
True. It would be amazing if the Manage Drawings window would let you really manage all the drawings by having a menu that lets you switch between chartbooks and another menu to switch between charts.

Then, if you could select the drawings you wanted to copy and then click "Duplicate to another chart", that might be quite useful...

That would allow a novice to quickly view any object and do a copy (not a link) to another chart and it would allow you to not need to open the manage window for each chart as one must do today.

Besides those ideas, this is my wishlist:
I'd also like to be able to search, sort, and filter the columns in the manage drawings to make selection easier.
TradingView has an interesting way to group objects and give them a name, so that might be nice with another column for group/tag and a dialog box to name the group/tag.
TradingView also has a visibility property for each object so that you can hide objects if you don't want to see your 15 min notes when you are at a daily chart.
Each object can be set to display on a certain range of times. So that would mean having another column called visibility.

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