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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 09:04:57 +0000

Simulation not entering position when live but will enter during backtest

View Count: 750

[2020-06-29 18:31:56]
itsthefriz - Posts: 5
I am having an issue with SC not entering positions when running live and wonder if it has anything to do with settings or something because I'm running out of options to look into. When the study is run through a backtest it enters all positions just as it is supposed to.

Attached is a picture of my spreadsheet showing a sell entry at 12:55. In the advanced trade logging (which logged messages from 12:35:00 to 13:30:00) there are no messages reflecting that the column was ever recorded to be TRUE. It also logged 2,324 messages from 12:50:00 bar period and 2314 messages from the 12:55:00 bar period, however no logs say TRUE | Cell: M3 so I'm wondering how the cell was recorded as true but no record of it exists. What should I be looking into to check for this?

Secondly the signal once per bar column is checked and my buy exit/sell entry indicators are pretty close to each other. If I get a sell entry before a buy exit, or vice versa, will it ignore the second signal and only act on the first signal?

Lastly this is a spreadsheet autotrader and I have the trade DOM up and am using an attached order for a stop limit that has a move to break even. Since this is not done in the spreadsheet could it cause any errors?

My settings are;
Autotrading global - enabled, Autotrading chart - enabled
Reset condition on new bar - no
Allow multiple entries in same direction - Yes
Signal only once per bar - yes
Cancel all orders on entries and reversals - yes
Cancel all orders on reversals - no
Cancel all orders on entries - no
Allow entries with working orders - Yes
Maximum position allowed - 3

Send orders to trade service - NO

Support reversals - No
Allow opposite entry with opposing position - no
Cancel all working orders on exit - yes
Strict signal only on bar close evaluation - yes
imageSell Entry.PNG / V - Attached On 2020-06-29 17:59:51 UTC - Size: 61.75 KB - 255 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2020-06-29 23:33:25]
itsthefriz - Posts: 5
Actually nevermind, I realize that my study references a study from a different time frame which calculates the columns 3,4, and 5 at the same time and the entry gets placed into column 5 which is why the arrow shows up but it gets skipped.

Is there a way to line up the columns so the data is only coming into the 1st column? It is a 10 minute study on a 5 minute chart so is there a setting that will change the output so that it's only the first column that is being calculated?

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