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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 23:26:19 +0000

Sock Renko

View Count: 1159

[2020-06-13 15:05:23]
User379557 - Posts: 37

Is there a reason you removed the Sock Renko from User Contributed Studies in the new 2120 release?

Greg Carnell
[2020-06-13 19:40:03]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
It contained outdated code and we do not have the time to be updating it. It is also not one of our own studies. We did not realize anyone is using it because that is from something like 10+ years ago, and Sierra Chart has extensive Renko bar functionality already:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-13 19:41:19
[2020-06-14 17:30:22]
User379557 - Posts: 37
One question about Sock Renko. In the extensive Renko Bar functionality, which is identical or similar to the Sock Renko? Thanks!
[2020-06-14 19:05:38]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We do not know the answer to the question.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-06-15 14:55:40]
User379557 - Posts: 37

Is it possible for you to send me the Sock Renko indicator via Add Custom Study? Thanks-
[2020-06-15 15:18:05]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
* A version of the renko chart study for Sierra Chart.*
* By Sock 2009                    *
* windysock@gmail.com *
SCSFExport scsf_SockRenkoChart(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
  SCFloatArrayRef InOpen = sc.Open;
  SCFloatArrayRef InHigh = sc.High;
  SCFloatArrayRef InLow = sc.Low;
  SCFloatArrayRef InClose = sc.Close;
  SCFloatArrayRef InVolume = sc.Volume;
  SCSubgraphRef OutOpen = sc.Subgraph[RK_OPEN];         
  SCSubgraphRef OutHigh = sc.Subgraph[RK_HIGH];         
  SCSubgraphRef OutLow = sc.Subgraph[RK_LOW];       
  SCSubgraphRef OutClose = sc.Subgraph[RK_LAST];       
  SCSubgraphRef OutVolume = sc.Subgraph[RK_VOLUME];     
  SCSubgraphRef OutBoxSize = sc.Subgraph[RK_BOXSIZE];   
  SCSubgraphRef OutOCR = sc.Subgraph[RK_OCR];       
  SCSubgraphRef OutOC = sc.Subgraph[RK_OC];       
  SCSubgraphRef OutColorCount = sc.Subgraph[RK_COLORCNT];
  SCSubgraphRef OutColor = sc.Subgraph[RK_COLOR];
  SCSubgraphRef OutRenkoClose = sc.Subgraph[RK_RCLOSE];
  SCSubgraphRef OutHL = sc.Subgraph[RK_HL];
  SCSubgraphRef OutHLC = sc.Subgraph[RK_HLC];
  SCSubgraphRef OutOHLC = sc.Subgraph[RK_OHLC];

  // Set configuration variables

  if (sc.SetDefaults)
    // Set the defaults  
    sc.GraphName = "Sock Renko Chart";
    sc.StudyDescription = "Renko chart study by Sock. Comments to windysock@gmail.com";
    sc.IsCustomChart = 1;  
    sc.GraphRegion = 0;     
    sc.DrawZeros = 0;
    sc.StandardChartHeader = 1;
    sc.AutoLoop = 0;
    sc.FreeDLL = 0;

    // Subgraphs    
    OutOpen.Name = "Open";
    OutOpen.PrimaryColor = COLOR_GREEN;
    OutHigh.Name = "High";
    OutHigh.PrimaryColor = COLOR_GREEN;
    OutLow.Name = "Low";
    OutLow.PrimaryColor = COLOR_RED;
    OutClose.Name = "Close";
    OutClose.PrimaryColor = COLOR_RED;
    OutVolume.Name = "Volume";
    OutRenkoClose.Name = "R-Renko Close";
    OutBoxSize.Name = "Box Size";
    OutOCR.Name = "OCR Avg";
    OutOC.Name = "OC Avg";
    OutColorCount.Name = "Same colour box count";
    OutColor.Name = "Box colour";
    OutHL.Name = "HL Avg";
    OutHLC.Name = "HLC Avg";
    OutOHLC.Name = "OHLC Avg";
    // Inputs    
    sc.Input[0].Name = "Fixed box size";
    sc.Input[1].Name = "Start chart on multiples of:";
    sc.Input[2].Name = "Display wicks & tails:";
    sc.Input[3].Name = "Set box size using ATR from another chart?:";
    sc.Input[4].Name = "ATR chart number:";
    sc.Input[5].Name = "ATR study number:";
    sc.Input[6].Name = "ATR subgraph number:";
    sc.Input[7].Name = "ATR multiplier:";
    sc.Input[8].Name = "Round ATR to nearest:";

  try {

    long i = 0;    // input index - underlying bar chart
    long o = 0;    // output index - renko chart
    long OtherIndex = 0; // other chart study index
    if (sc.BaseGraphValueFormat > 6) {
      throw "Set Price Display Format to decimals, not fractions";
    int d = sc.BaseGraphValueFormat == 0 ? 1 : sc.BaseGraphValueFormat; // Decimal places - min = 1
    sc.ValueFormat = sc.BaseGraphValueFormat;
    int Volume, m, n, PrevBoxColor, NewBoxColor;
    OperatorEnum cond;
    double limit, HighLimit, LowLimit;
    SCFloatArray OtherArray;
    // Input vars
    float BoxSize = sc.Input[0].GetFloat();
    float ChartMulti = sc.Input[1].GetFloat();
    sc.GraphDrawType = sc.Input[2].GetYesNo() ? GDT_CANDLESTICK:GDT_CANDLESTICK_BODY_ONLY;
    int UseDynamicBoxSize = sc.Input[3].GetYesNo();
    int ChartNum = sc.Input[4].GetInt();
    int StudyNum = sc.Input[5].GetInt();
    int SubgraphNum = sc.Input[6].GetInt();
    float StudyMulti = sc.Input[7].GetFloat();
    float RoundTo = sc.Input[8].GetFloat();

    // Initial load
    if (sc.UpdateStartIndex == 0) {
      // Add 2 boxes, 1st is anchor box to start the chart, 2nd is the current box.
      sc.DateTimeOut[1] = sc.DateTimeOut[0] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[0];
      OutOpen[1] = OutOpen[0] = (sc.RoundToTickSize(InOpen[0], ChartMulti*10))+ChartMulti; // Start chart on input multiple
      OutHigh[1] = OutHigh[0] = OutOpen[0];
      OutLow[1] = OutLow[0] = OutOpen[0];
      OutClose[1] = OutClose[0] = OutOpen[0];

    o = sc.OutArraySize - 1;
    // Get array from other chart if using dynamic box sizing
    if (UseDynamicBoxSize) {
      sc.GetStudyArrayFromChart(ChartNum, StudyNum, SubgraphNum, OtherArray);
      if (OtherArray.GetArraySize() == 0)  {
        throw "Error accessing ATR study on other chart, check inputs and retry";
    // Draw the renko chart
    for (i = sc.UpdateStartIndex; i < sc.ArraySize; i++)
      PrevBoxColor = OutClose[o-1] >= OutOpen[o-1] ? GREEN_BOX:RED_BOX;

      if (UseDynamicBoxSize) {
        OtherIndex = sc.GetNearestMatchForDateTimeIndex(ChartNum, i);
        if (OtherIndex == 0) {
          throw "Other chart start date/time must be before current chart start";
        BoxSize = OtherArray[OtherIndex]*StudyMulti;
        BoxSize = sc.RoundToTickSize(BoxSize, RoundTo);
        if (BoxSize <= 0.0) {
          throw "Invalid box size detected, check other chart settings and retry ";

      // Update current box with input bar data
      sc.DateTimeOut[o] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[i];
      OutOpen[o] = InClose[i];
      OutClose[o] = InClose[i];
      OutColor[o] = 0;
      OutHigh[o] = InHigh[i] > OutHigh[o] ? InHigh[i] : OutHigh[o];
      if (OutLow[o] <= 0.0 || InLow[i] < OutLow[o]) {
        OutLow[o] = InLow[i];
      if (InClose[i] > OutClose[o-1] && InClose[i] > OutOpen[o-1]) {
        OutOpen[o] = PrevBoxColor==GREEN_BOX ? OutClose[o-1] : OutOpen[o-1];
        OutColor[o] = GREEN_BOX;
      else if (InClose[i] < OutClose[o-1] && InClose[i] < OutOpen[o-1]) {
        OutOpen[o] = PrevBoxColor==RED_BOX ? OutClose[o-1] : OutOpen[o-1];
        OutColor[o] = RED_BOX;
      OutVolume[o] += InVolume[i];
      OutBoxSize[o] = BoxSize;
      OutRenkoClose[o] = InClose[i];
      OutOCR[o] = (OutOpen[o]+OutClose[o]+OutRenkoClose[o])/3.0f;
      OutOC[o] = (OutOpen[o]+OutClose[o])/2.0f;
      OutHL[o] = (OutHigh[o]+OutLow[o])/2.0f;
      OutHLC[o] = (OutHigh[o]+OutLow[o]+OutClose[o])/3.0f;
      OutOHLC[o] = (OutOpen[o]+OutHigh[o]+OutLow[o]+OutClose[o])/4.0f;
      OutColorCount[o] = OutColor[o-1]==OutColor[o] ? OutColorCount[o-1]+1.0f:1.0f;

      // If the input bar has closed check if new renko box(es) can be added
      if (i < sc.ArraySize-1) {
        if (PrevBoxColor == GREEN_BOX) {
          HighLimit = OutClose[o-1] + BoxSize;
          LowLimit = OutOpen[o-1] - BoxSize;
        else {
          HighLimit = OutOpen[o-1] + BoxSize;
          LowLimit = OutClose[o-1] - BoxSize;
        NewBoxColor = 0;
        if (sc.FormattedEvaluate((double)InClose[i],d,GREATER_EQUAL_OPERATOR,HighLimit,d)) {
          NewBoxColor = GREEN_BOX;
          cond = GREATER_EQUAL_OPERATOR;
          limit = HighLimit;
        else if (sc.FormattedEvaluate((double)InClose[i],d,LESS_EQUAL_OPERATOR,LowLimit,d)) {
          NewBoxColor = RED_BOX;
          cond = LESS_EQUAL_OPERATOR;
          limit = LowLimit;
        if (NewBoxColor != 0) {
          n = 0; // init box count
          do {                // keep adding boxes until limit reached
            if (NewBoxColor == GREEN_BOX) {
              OutClose[o+n] = (float)fround(OutOpen[o+n]+BoxSize, d);
              limit += BoxSize;
            else {
              OutClose[o+n] = (float)fround(OutOpen[o+n]-BoxSize, d);
              limit -= BoxSize;
            sc.DateTimeOut[o+n] = sc.DateTimeOut[o];
            OutHigh[o+n] = OutHigh[o];
            OutLow[o+n] = OutLow[o];
            OutBoxSize[o+n] = BoxSize;
            OutRenkoClose[o+n] = InClose[i];
            OutOCR[o+n] = (OutOpen[o+n]+OutClose[o+n]+OutRenkoClose[o+n])/3.0f;
            OutOC[o+n] = (OutOpen[o+n]+OutClose[o+n])/2.0f;
            OutHL[o+n] = (OutHigh[o+n]+OutLow[o+n])/2.0f;
            OutHLC[o+n] = (OutHigh[o+n]+OutLow[o+n]+OutClose[o+n])/3.0f;
            OutOHLC[o+n] = (OutOpen[o+n]+OutHigh[o+n]+OutLow[o+n]+OutClose[o+n])/4.0f;
            OutColor[o+n] = (float)NewBoxColor;
            OutColorCount[o+n] = OutColor[(o+n)-1]==OutColor[o+n] ? OutColorCount[(o+n)-1]+1.0f:1.0f;
            OutOpen[(o+n)+1] = OutClose[o+n]; // Set next open, on last iter this is open of new current box
            n++; // incr box count
          } while (sc.FormattedEvaluate((double)InClose[i],d, cond, limit,d));

          Volume = int(OutVolume[o]/n);
          for (m = 0; m < n; m++) {
            OutVolume[o+m] = (float)Volume;
        // All done adding boxes, now set initial values for the new current box
        o = sc.OutArraySize - 1;
        OutClose[o] = OutOpen[o];
        sc.DateTimeOut[o] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[i]+sc.SecondsPerBar;
  catch (char *ErrMsg){
    sc.AddMessageToLog(ErrMsg, 1);

[2020-06-15 15:19:16]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
How to Build an Advanced Custom Study from Source Code
How to Build an Advanced Custom Study from Source Code

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